I go still.
He picks me up, stroking my back. "Bueno, mamita.No struggling or your pup and your... brother... may be hurt,sí?"
The threat to Mattie sinks into my bones. I obey. Teague always told me,obey until you find an opening to escape, Bee, then run like hell.
The alpha-wolf picks up Mattie with one hand and slings him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He cradles me, mostly in one arm, despite carrying Mattie, too, and starts to walk away.
I strain my eyes to peer through the dark desert, searching desperately for Nico and Alize. I can't see much beyond a few yards. All I know is that Carmichael's father has abducted Mattie and me, and I can't escape without my twin.
Carmichael's father keeps crooning to me in Spanish as he carries us out of the desert. Part of my instinct, my omega-wolf, wants to trust him. An alpha who treats us gently means protection. We know better, though. The larger part of us wants to rip him to shreds. That part keeps looking at Mattie, unconscious and being carried without any concern for his well-being.
As if to reassert this, the alpha flings Mattie's body into the bed of a beat-up pick-up truck parked too close to our little cave for comfort.
Alize is also in the truck's bed, blood on her forehead, tied and gagged, and unconscious. Next to her are our backpacks. I wonder if that's how the alpha knew we were somewhere, hiding.
I whine and try to scrabble out of the alpha's arms.
"No,mamita. No biting or scratching, or I kill them both," he says to me.
I force myself to stop.
"Papá, she's scared," a familiar voice, filled with tears, catches my attention.
I turn to see Nico, sitting in the passenger side of the pick-up, looking defeated. A male that looks like he drinks poison for breakfast is standing next to the door as if guarding Nico… or imprisoning him.
"Silencio, hijo," the alpha barks at Nico. The anger towards his younger son is palpable. It radiates through the air, and like a dumb omega, I immediately start to whimper soothingly to the irate alpha male.
Nico shakes his head. "Papá, por fa-
"¡Callate, culero!" the male standing next to the door snarls. Nico falls silent, his eyes finding mine, terror, and defeat in their depths.
I whine loudly, trying to convey comfort from across the parking lot.
"Shh, little omega. Let's get you home,sí?"
No! No. No. No. I whimper and start fighting again. I can't help it as the panic wells and overwhelms me.
"The pup,mamita," the alpha says sharply, but I don't stop.
"Papá, I can calm her down. She's pregnant with-por favor Papá!" Nico is trying to leave the pick-up. He even starts to slide to the other door, but another male appears, hemming him in.
"Hold her tight," the alpha says coldly. "If she escapes, it's your skin,sí?"
The male by the passenger door moves away, a cruel twist to his mouth. He looks straight at me and grins. "She'll make for fun times, ey?"
"Move away, Ricardo," the alpha-male snaps.
Eyes heavy with disdain, the male steps away from the open door.
I sprout wings and fly into Nico's arms. He holds me close, shushing me as I try to burrow into him deeper.
The door slams, and my ears perk up. Whining, I put my snout on Nico's shoulder, trying to see Mattie and Alize in the back. I flinch away when the pick-up shakes as another male leaps into the bed of the truck.
"If you hurt the male omega, she'll lose the pup," Nico tells his father. The alpha settles into the driver's seat, saying nothing. "Papá- that's her brother. Her twin," Nico emphasizes.
The alpha male's hands freeze on the steering wheel. Still not responding, he shifts and puts the truck in gear before moving out.