“I had a memory,” I said loudly enough that the other two could hear as well. They all froze, and I shifted off of Kane’s lap and into my own spot to explain. My cheeks burned as I realized I should explain how it happened. “While we were…”

“Fucking,” Levi supplied helpfully.

“Since when is our girl shy?” Avi asked with a laugh.

“Since now,” I countered. “I don’t want to overstep or say the wrong thing and bother the others.”

“Don’t worry about that. We’re close, Farren. There are no secrets between us, and we aren’t going to fly off into a jealous rage. We’re just happy you’re settling into your new normal,” Kane reassured me. Knowing that would make navigating this a whole lot easier.

“Aw, look at Kane being all fucking sweet and sappy,” Levi teased. Kane growled and flipped the omega his middle finger, but the corner of his mouth twitched into a smile.

“Go on, Farren,” Avi said. There was quiet amusement on his face as he lazily sat back in his chair. He was the picture of beta calmness. It was a nice contrast to Levi’s enthusiasm and Kane’s rough edges. Between that and Niko’s protectiveness, they really were the perfect brood.

“It was me and Levi on the roof here. Snow was falling, but neither of us were wearing coats or anything. I can remember the smell of chimney smoke and Levi’s spiced peaches, then I felt our connection forming.”

“That was the first real moment we had together,” Levi said with a faraway smile. “I was excited to see the snow, so you dragged me up there.”

“That sounds like me.” I laughed. “Snow makes me ridiculously happy.”

“Well, it seems the mountains heard you,” Avi said as he pointed at the windows behind me. I turned around to see fresh snow falling.

“Eat up, boys, because I’m going out there to enjoy it after I finish,” I sang out with a grin. “You wouldn’t tell your pregnant mate no, would you?”

Avi groaned. “That’s ruthless. I hate the cold.” Even as he said no, he couldn’t hide his smile.

Between the snow, the memory, the morning sex, and joking with the guys, I didn’t think I’d ever felt happier.



The tension was high as we approached the university gates. Three guards stood there, and from the way they tensed, they recognized me. Funny, I was the one who’d trained them, yet they were ready to bar my entrance.

“Good morning, gentleman,” I said evenly. They blinked at me before turning their attention to the horde of dragons behind me.

“You’re bold to come here, Nikolaus,” Vlad said. He was one of the first I’d trained with, an old friend once.

“I had no choice. My mate is in danger because the Arch Mage tried to murder her in cold blood,” I pointed out. Their eyes went wide. Not only was I saying that what the board had taught them was a lie, I was accusing their previous leader of murder.

“You dare speak ill of the dead?” Dorian thundered. He was one of the newest, and he was apparently still proud of the farce that was this institution.

“He’s not dead. In fact, if you don’t believe me, have an illusionist check his grave,” I demanded. He opened his mouth to speak, but the third guard, Allistair, cut him off.

“What business do you have here? His tower is gone. You need to leave while you still can.”

“I’m seeking out a man,” I said. “Professor Lucius Drole.”

“And you think someone in this university will trustyou?” Dorian asked. He crossed his arms and glared down at me.

“No.” I shrugged. “But I’m hoping he will hear us out.”

“We have a duty to report you,” Dorian growled. “This isn’t the time for negotiations!”

“Then go,” I said, finally losing my calm control. Frustration colored my words, and he flinched like I’d lash out at any moment.

“No,” Vlad said firmly. “This isn’t the first rumor of this type to reach our ears. We have a duty to justice, and that means giving this a moment of our time.”

Dorian let out a choked noise and threw up his hands. “Are you fucking serious right now?!”