Page 33 of Tormented Royal

Me: Are you shitting me? You turn 18… this requires celebration!

Indi: If that comes in the form of eating so much I pass out, that’s a celebration I can get down with. Beyond that, just nope.

Me: Deal!

This totally gives me an idea for her birthday, and I smile wider than I have in a week. I am going to rock this bestie thing.

Indi: *eye roll emoji* If you say so. You sure you’re okay? Running doesn’t sound fun.

Me: Running is awesome. I promise I’m good, just burning off some anger rather than going to jail. This seemed like a better option. Orange isn’t my color.

Indi: *cowboy emoji* You slay me. Okay, if you’re good, I’m going to get started on my Econ assignment. Enjoy your run. *shudders*

Me: Have fun with that. *middle finger emoji*

I laugh a little and slide my phone back into the strap before finishing my water. Maybe the Cove is the cesspit my mom thought it was, but with people like Indi bringing the sunshine, I’m pretty sure I can survive the chaos.

I’m Octavia fucking Royal… How bad can one year be?

* * *

I get home from my run, exhausted but feeling lighter than I was when I left. The thought of the bubble bath Smithy suggested puts an extra bounce in my step as I finish running up the driveway.

I flick through the mail on the entry hall table as I kick off my sneakers. Bills, junk mail… and a black envelope with my name embossed on it.


I flick it over to open it and notice it’s sealed with red wax and stamped with a symbol I’ve never seen before. I peel it back and pull the card from inside.

Octavia Royal

You are cordially invited to the Echoes Cove Orphan Society fundraiser ball.

Date: December 5th

Location: The Nesthood Hall

Dress Code: Black Tie

Please RSVP by August 20th with note of any additional guests.



Apparently charity gala invites got bougie. Who would’ve thought? And the Nesthood Hall? Not on your life. I’ve avoided that place my entire life. The building creeps me the fuck out, so I don’t think so.

I drop it back onto the pile with zero intention of going. Balls have never been my thing, and Dad stopped taking me to red carpet shit after the first one we did. It was horrendous. I don’t have a pretentious bone in my body, and my whole ‘speak your mind’ attitude didn’t exactly go down well. I know my place, and charity balls are not one of them.

“Did you enjoy your run, Miss Octavia?” Smithy appears, startling me, but the smile on his face brings me joy.

“It was amazing, thank you.”

“What would you like for dinner this evening?” I think it over, craving tacos way more than I should… But it’s been a hot minute since I actually ate a vegetable, so I know I need to make some good decisions, shitty as they are.

“Chicken and veggies?” I say, biting my lip, and he pulls a face at me.

“I know you’re not that uncreative, Miss Octavia,” he scoffs, and I stifle the laugh that threatens. “I have a perfect idea. Give me an hour.”