Teagan followed Jazzy into the locker room and got her change of clothes out of her bag. She was glad she could change into the clothes she had on before class.

As promised, they met the others in exactly fifteen minutes’ time. Sharing the rusty pipes at the Moore ranch with her parents, brother and four sisters, made her as quick as her parents’ chickens whenever their dog Rudy would jump the fence.

“You surprise me every time you step out looking like that in just fifteen minutes,” Tristan said.

She glanced down at her tight black jeans and white tank top. She didn’t know what he was babbling about. A quick shower, a bit of mascara and a little blush didn’t take the world to put on.

She mumbled a “Thanks,” before stepping outside.

Tristan came up next to her and talked about the routine they still had to perfect. But her mind went elsewhere. She wondered what Devlin was doing on this Friday night. Probably fucking one of the groupies. She thought about that one girl, who couldn’t stop about Devlin’s big fat cock. She felt sick to her stomach.

“You’ve been a bit distant lately, T. Is there something on your mind?”

She held her step and let Jazzy and David pass. Teagan hated confrontations, but she just had to get this off her chest. “You’re a real nice guy, Tristan. But—”

“But what?” he said as he pouted his lips.

She sighed. “Nothing. It’s just that I don’t want you to think that there’s more between us than us being dance partners.”

His cheeks flamed before he quickly glanced at his shoes. “I know. It’s just that it’s hard, okay? We see each other almost every day. And I get to have you in my arms when we dance and—”

“You’re making me feel uncomfortable, Tristan. I think we need to get other dance partners. I don’t think I can dance with you anymore.”

She was proud of herself for finally telling him straight up how she felt. She had been dealing with his one-sided attraction for months now. Teagan didn’t know what got into her tonight, but she just had several revelations.

After setting things straight with Tristan, she felt a rush in knowing that she was on the right path. She would look out for an apartment in the morning so she could restore her relationship with her family. If she wouldn’t live with them anymore, maybe they wouldn’t feel the need to butt in all the time. She was an adult. She had two part-time jobs. If she would move from the farm, she could even check with Brennan if he could give her more hours at Lucky’s. She could definitely make this work.

Jazzy came up to them and held out her phone. “Jason just texted me. He said there’s a wild party going on at the bar we’re heading to. Maybe we should—”

Teagan saw Tristan staring at her with his puppy eyes, and she just had to get away from him. It was better to get some space between them. She said, “You know what? I just forgot I needed to be somewhere else. I promise you that next time I’m coming with you, Jazzy.”

“Do you need me to walk you?” Tristan asked.

“No, I’ve got it covered. My brother texted me. He’s waiting for me around the corner. I’ll see you tomorrow, Jazzy. Bye, Tristan.”

She was done with guys. As she walked the block to Lucky’s, she held her phone against her ear, as if she was talking to someone on the other end. Walking alone after dark in Austin shouldn’t make her feel like she needed to pick up her pace.

She was glad when the dark green exterior of her cousin’s pub came into view after she rounded the corner. She walked inside a packed pub and several regulars greeted her.

Her brother sat next to their grandfather Pops at his table near the end of the bar. She smiled when the eighty-year-old waved for her to join them the moment he spotted her.

“Ah, I thought ye were free tonight, lass?” he said in his Irish brogue.

She kissed his cheek and sat down next on the other side of Pops, opposite of her brother.

“Don’t tell me you just walked all the way from the Dance Academy on your own?” Ryan said as he narrowed his eyes.

She took a deep breath through her nose. He was right. It had been late and dark out and she hadn’t felt safe on her own. She placed her hand on top of her brother’s and said, “I’m sorry, Ry. I messed up. Again. I’ll definitely call you next time. I swear.”

He huffed, but held his tongue.

Pops eyed her from behind his round glasses. He put one of his giant hands on top of his potbelly as he scrutinized her. “Everything all right? Somethin’ happened?”

She smiled, but he saw right through her and gave her the look. Pop was famous for giving everyone a certain look that said he wasn’t taking any shit. As the former owner of the Lucky Irishman, he’d dealt with all kinds of people in his pub. He could read anyone like an open book.

She decided to tell him about the breakthroughs she had tonight.

“I told my dance partner that I didn’t want to dance with him anymore.”