Teagan admiredDevlin’s impressive back as he cooked them breakfast in nothing but his low on his hips hanging gray sweatpants. Devlin obviously took great care of his body. She figured he must work out several days a week in the gym to get this toned and muscular.

Last night in bed, she’d traced his tattoos with her fingertip. His arms were filled with Vikings in battle and Viking ships defying the sea. Across his shoulder blades stood proudly ‘Born to be warrior’ and ‘Iron Vikings’.

The one tattoo that had stood out for her the most was the single word ‘Trust’ on his ribcage. Not only did it stand out because of his front being free from tattoos except the one word. He also didn’t have any other names or lines written elsewhere on his body except for the word ‘Trust’ and his MC’s war cry.

Before she had a chance to ask him about it, he’d taken her mouth and they got down and dirty for the third time that night. On a sexual level, they definitely matched.

On a deeper, emotional level, she had no clue what this man was about. She felt there was much more to him than being an outlaw motorcycle club member that managed a strip club while shouting from the rooftops that he would never be tied down to one woman.

She glanced around, trying to get a feel for Devlin, as his home wasn’t at all what she’d expected it to be. It was almost as if a woman had a hand in decorating his two-story home as she spotted a welcoming reading nook at the far end of the living room. The cozy corner was filled with cushions and six shelves filled with a miss match of colorful books.

“Pretty awesome, eh?”

Teagan jumped on her barstool, not expecting a female voice.

She turned and saw Catriona watching her from the doorway that lead to the garage.

“Eh, hi,” Teagan said. She had met Devlin’s sister that day of their reunion with the Ryan sisters at her parents’ farm.

“Hi! So… this is kinda awkward,” Catriona said with a smirk. Teagan questioned if she should point out that Catriona was the one barging into Devlin’s home. She tugged the hem of Devlin’s T-shirt down her thighs, suddenly feeling a little too exposed. She wished she’d put on sweatpants from Devlin.

“Cat. Leave it,” Devlin said as he stacked another batch of pancakes on a plate.

“I’m sorry, but it is. You see, Teagan… I was badgering my big brother about you.”

Devlin groaned but didn’t say a word.

Teagan furrowed her brows. “Badgering?”

Catriona opened the fridge and stuck her head inside, her long black hair with the tips dipped in pink falling over her shoulder. She mumbled from inside the fridge, “Yeah. You know… I wanted him to admit that he had fallen head over heels for you.”

She glanced over at Devlin, who unfortunately had his back turned toward her.

Teagan’s mouth got dry, as she couldn’t move a muscle. What his sister was saying was completely opposite of how Devlin had behaved towards her.

He’d wanted to have sex with her. Yes. But head over heels? Nah. He’d told her straight up that everything they did together was casual. Irrational hope flared in her chest even though she knew Devlin would shut his sister up any minute now.

Devlin kept on stacking up pancakes, however, and Catriona closed the door to the fridge, a water bottle in her hand.

The twinkle in his sister’s eyes spoke louder than a thousand words. Anyone could see how much she loved poking at her big brother.

“He’s been moping around for weeks after he met you. And now, look at him: cooking you breakfast with a big ole smile on his face.” Catriona ruffled his longer hair on the side of his head for emphasis. It was totally adorable how he let her. The big, bad biker scored points with Teagan by doing so.

“Okay, you’ve got that out of your system? Can we eat in peace now?” Devlin grumbled.

Catriona nodded. “Yep. I just didn’t expect finding you two together. That’s what made it awkward for a second.”

Her blunt honesty reminded her of her sister Mae, who had texted her last night, saying she knew Teagan wasn’t crashing at Gwenn’s place and that Teagan should be honest at spending the night at some guy’s house.

Devlin wasn’t just some guy. Although she didn’t exactly have a clue what he was to her, either. She hadn’t dared to tell her parents she would spend the night with Devlin. She’d texted her mom, saying she would stay with Gwenn for a sleepover.

Catriona sat down next to Teagan, stole her fork, and stabbed it through the upper pancake of the stack Devlin placed before them. “It’s been forever since he made these, Teagan. I’m so happy you’re here.”

Teagan snickered. “Because of the pancakes?”

Cat swallowed her first bite, her gray eyes assessing Teagan for a moment. “You’ve got the brownest eyes I’ve ever seen. They’re not as dark as Dev’s. Different. It’s like looking at two grizzly bears. Gorgeous.”