Devlin heldthe door for Teagan and walked behind her as they entered his home via the garage. His brother Kieran worked the night shift at the fire department tonight and Catriona was out with friends, so he picked Teagan up by the back of her thighs and threw her over his shoulder after they entered the kitchen.


Her giggles sounded so free and joyous. He couldn’t get enough of the sweet sound. It made him want to do stupid shit and make her giggle as often as possible. He was in way over his head with Teagan as she brought out a side of him he never knew existed. Or perhaps had tucked away over the years.

He slapped her perky ass hanging over his shoulder. “Okay. This is the kitchen, over there is the sliding door to go outside.” He passed the living room with the extensive gaming set up and said, “I’ll give you the rest of the tour tomorrow.”

Devlin couldn’t wait to get her into his bed. He’d spent many nights awake picturing her there. He shook his head, trying to enjoy the reality of having her here.

Devlin skipped every other step on the stairs on his way to his bedroom at the far end of the hallway on the second floor. He closed his bedroom door behind them, walking her over to his bed.

She laughed and said, “Can you put me down already?”

“Sure…” He plunked her in the middle of his king-size bed, where she bounced to a stop with indeed those fuckin’ curls sprawled all over his pillow. She took his breath away with her trusting brown eyes peeking up at him through her thick, long lashes.

“What’s that look for?” she asked.

“Nothin’.” He made work of her shoes before he toed out of his own.

She leaned up on her elbows, and their gazes locked. He had to glance away so he wouldn’t jump her like some horny teenager who finally got a girl up in his room for the first time in his life.

Her wrinkled purple dress looked worse for wear as she’d scrunched the material and sat on it so she wouldn’t flash traffic on the back of his motorcycle. She’d let him finger fuck her in his strip club, and was worried about flashing some leg or a bit of ass if the wind would get under her dress? This girl was something else. He couldn’t read her like he could do most women.

At first glance, she seemed a typical twenty-one-year-old, living a sheltered life out on some farm with her parents and five siblings. He could picture her doing her chores day in, day out, helping out wherever she could. She would do it with a smile, he was sure.

The more he thought about it, the more he was convinced that her performance that night up on one of his stages at the Pink Flower must have been monumental for her. After seeing her with Julie, he had to admit that she had found some kind of calling at his joint. Teagan was exceptionally good at figuring out what kind of performance would work and how she could get the dancer to actually ace it.

He’d watched her put Julie at ease and not even blinking an eye when Julie finally practiced the dance in front of her with her tits out.

And whatever he’d tried with Teagan, she’d been all game. Spanking, fucking her over his desk, making her hold eye contact with some guy as he fingered her at the bar. He wondered how she could have such an uninhibited side to her.

“What’s wrong?”

He climbed on the bed, leaning down on his underarms on each side of her head. He kissed her nose and said, “There’s nothing wrong, Little Bird. I was all up in my head, trying to figure you out.”

She smirked. “Ah, well, if you do figure me out, promise me you’ll tell me? Because I still have no clue who I am.”

Her words came straight from the heart, he could tell. He leaned to his side, freeing one hand to brush a curl from her face. “You have a clue. ”

“Oh? Please do tell.”

He nibbled her bottom lip and kissed the corner of her mouth. “You know who you are. You’re just not ready to fully go after what you want.”

She huffed. “That’s the whole reason I’m so lost. I’ve done that before and it cost me dearly.”

He wondered what she’d meant by that. Her smile didn’t reach her eyes as she said, “Maybe it’s time to stop talking…”

“I’ll let it go for now, but you’re going to tell me about this soon.”

“You’re so bossy…” Her cheeky smile made his dick twitch behind his jeans.

“Maybe if I get you naked, you’ll forget about it,” she said with a wink. She worked his zipper down in between their bodies and slid his jeans down his ass with her feet.

“You’re such a greedy girl. Didn’t I make you come just half an hour ago at my club?” He tried to throw her a stern look, but failed miserably as she grabbed him by the back of his head and pulled him down.

“Less talking…”