The silencein Devlin’s office made Teagan even more aware of her vulnerable position as she lay on his desk with her spanked ass in the air. She’d asked for it. Plain and simple.

His heavy breathing sounded like music to her ears. She loved every deep inhale through his nostrils, showing her how she’d affected him. What was going on inside his mind right now? She didn’t dare to ask—afraid for yet again a brutally honest answer.

Finding Devlin in his office with that voluptuous dancer had made her blood boil even though he’d warned her beforehand about his manwhore lifestyle. They were nothing to each other, so she didn’t have any ground to stand on in cussing his ass out.

She had taken the high road; acted professional and tried to not let it get to her. His penetrating eyes had appraised her—never once glancing at the half naked dancer in his office. His gaze had been hungry and all male, starting an ache between her thighs. It gave her that irrational urge to call his bluff and most definitely push his buttons.

She was startled when he cleaned her back with paper tissues. “Oh, eh, thanks…” she said, with her gaze trained on the wall behind his office chair. Nothing about any of this had been romantic. It was, however, the best sex she ever had. Not that she had a lot of experience to begin with.

He rolled up her yoga pants, his big hands resting on her sides as he said, “Okay, Little Bird. We need to talk.”

His voice lacked any emotion. She dreaded what would come next. He’d already said this was just casual sex. Why would he try so hard to create a distance between them? While she dove in headfirst, he tried to protect her from herself—treating her like a child who couldn’t think for herself. Just like her family.

Teagan had just wanted to forget. Forget about disappointing her parents yet again by even considering this job at a strip club. Forget about her quarrel with Mae, who also seemed to think she was a total let down after pole dancing and taking off with a scary biker. She didn’t want to think about not knowing what she wanted to do with her life. But most of all, she wanted to forget that the only man who awakened this fire inside of her warned her away from him.

She had wanted to know how it felt to give up full control as he spanked her on top of his desk. In hindsight, she wanted even more for this older, mysterious biker with a perpetual scowl on his face to let go together with her. He could say a million times that he didn’t want her, but how could he if he would only feel a tenth of what he made her feel?

Devlin hoisted her up so she could sit on the edge of his desk, her legs dangling in between his as he stood in front of her.

He placed his hands next to her thighs and solemnly said, “I shouldn’t have done that...”

She just knew he would backtrack again. The first man in years she considered taking the next step with didn’t even want her. Like she had been the only one to feel their sizzling connection. A hot flash of anger took over her as she said, “Ugh. I suggest you just deal with it. I’ll never bring it up again. Don’t worry.”

He leaned back, surprise marring his face. Yeah, she’d even surprised herself with this outburst. She had enough of him lying to himself and sprouting once again bullshit in the line of not being good enough for her. Why couldn’t she be the judge of that? Maybe if he knew about her past, he would reconsider and figure she wasn’t good enough for him. Asshole.

She squirmed from his desk to the floor and walked to his door. He wanted space between them? He could have it. Maybe giving him the cold shoulder would finally wake Devlin up and make him see what was standing right in front of him.

Teagan unlocked and ripped the door open, almost bumping head first into the Australian bouncer of the Pink Flower she saw at Errin’s bachelorette. “Oi! Where’s the fire?”

She didn’t bother to answer, passing him by. She found Gwenn sitting at the bar with several guys in leather jackets, with the same Viking skull on their backs as Devlin.

Gwenn swiveled on her bar stool the moment she noticed Teagan approaching. “Hey, T. Everything all right?”

“Yep. Everything’s fine,” she said while avoiding Gwenn’s piercing blue eyes. She wouldn’t dare get into it with all these guys hanging around. She already felt their inquisitive eyes from her head to her toes.

Teagan grew up on a farm with her loving parents, brother, and four sisters. Sure, she had cousins who were rough around the edges—even fighting in underground MMA fights. Standing before a group of unknown bikers smirking like they were privy to what had happened between Devlin and her in his office made her head spin.

“Can I get you something to drink?” a tall, blonde guy said from behind the bar.

“Eh. No, thanks.” She did her best to give the man a smile in return. He seemed more polished than the rest of his friends. His clean-shaved face, Roman nose, square jaw and his shiny locks of hair reminded her of a male top model.

“T. I would like you to meet a few friends of mine.” Gwenn waved a hand to the model-like man behind the bar and said, “This pretty boy is Fox.”

Teagan awkwardly waved. “Hi.”

“Nice to meet you, Goldilocks,” Fox said with a wink.

Gwenn slung her arm over the shoulder of the seventy-something-year old man sitting next to her, dressed in the same jacket as the rest, but the only one sporting a long gray beard to his chest. “And this is—”

A booming voice from the other side of the open plan ground floor shouted, “She doesn’t need to know these assholes. Teagan, let’s go. You’re here for the girls, so let’s get to work.”

“Afraid to introduce her to me, eh?” the gray bearded man said around a chuckle. “Can’t say I blame him, I’m known for my charm,” he added while fisting his long beard.

Gwenn laughed, “Of course you are, Turtle.”

The Australian guy nudged his head toward Devlin, striding over to them. “You’d think his attitude would have improved after—”