Devlin sat backin his leather office chair, the wheels rolling backwards over the carpet floor, giving him the space he needed to put his boots up on his desk. He’d been going over the books for the past three hours and had the headache to prove it.

“What?!” he barked when someone knocked on his door.

Coco’s long, shiny black hair fell over her bare shoulder as she peeked her head in between the crack. “Just wanted to check in. See if you needed anything?”

He knew what kind of help she’d referred to, coming to his office in nothing but that damn pearl thong. He’d seen her dance enough times to not get flustered by her naked, enhanced tits.

He hadn’t touched a single dancer after becoming the manager of the Pink Flower. He wasn’t a total dickhead. Unfortunately, Coco didn’t get the memo and still tried every now and then to entice him.

He’d been hard for the past two days after Teagan pleaded with him to make her come in that field. His hand had only taken the edge off, as he couldn’t stand the idea of another woman touching him. Fuck. Even thinking about her, had his dick stand up behind his zipper like a metal detector ready to lead him to her golden pussy.

Coco stepped into his office and closed the door behind her.

“Leave the door open, Coco. You know the rules.”

He always kept the door open, especially if a dancer wanted to talk to him. He was nothing like the previous manager; a drug-dealing bastard who kept the girls high and demanded sex in return. Sick scum of the earth.

Coco didn’t listen to him, though, swaying her curvy hips on her way over to his desk. He was about to stand from his chair and remove her from his office when the door opened again.

“Oh. Sorry. Didn’t know you were… eh, busy…” Bondi said with a smirk.

Devlin’s eyes zeroed in on the sweet blonde gasping from behind Bondi.

“Teagan. Ah, shit. We’re supposed to have that talk,” Devlin said as he raked a hand through his long hair.

Teagan’s eyes ping-ponged from Coco to him and back again. His little bird straightened her shoulders, her perfect tits stretching her sports top even more. Fuck. He could see her nipples poke against the sandy colored material. Her bare midriff showed a hint of abs to where her hips flared just a bit in her matching yoga pants. Did she just walk into his club looking like every man’s wet dream?

“What the hell are you wearing?”

She raised her obstinate chin, and he wanted nothing more than to lay her over his knee and spank her bratty ass.

“I figured since I would be teaching the girls some moves, I’d better dress accordingly.”

“Fuck my life…” he muttered under his breath. He stood from his seat, adjusting himself before turning around and facing her again.

“Oh, this should be fun. Little Miss Goodie Two-Shoes is going to tell me how to strut my stuff in order to get every dick hard in this place?” Coco said, looking down her nose at Teagan.

“As you can see, I have no problem doing so,” Coco added with a catty smile, pointing at Devlin’s groin.

Teagan narrowed her eyes, but stood her ground. “That’s awesome. If you don’t need my help and Devlin agrees, then I can focus on others who are willing to learn some new stuff.”

“Oh, honey. You’re in the wrong place. We dance a different kind of nutcracker in this joint.”

Devlin was fed up. “Enough. Teagan is here to help. I don’t want you stirring up shit. Understood?”

Coco huffed but said, “All right then.”

“Good…” He swallowed the word ‘girl’, remembering how he’d used the praise ‘Good girl’ for Teagan two nights ago.

Coco left his office after narrowing her eyes at Teagan in passing. He chuckled at Teagan rolling her eyes, not in the least intimidated by the half naked woman glaring at her.

Teagan walked over to the chair in front of his desk and sat down, her back straight and her legs crossed. She’d just passed the first test, as she had shown she wasn’t afraid to stand up to the girls.

“It surprised me to hear from Gwenn that you changed your mind about hiring me,” she said. It wasn’t exactly his idea to hire her, but he held his tongue.

Devlin walked over to his desk, but her alluring scent made him hold his step next to her chair. It was summer hay, with just a hint of clean sweat.