“Black. I don’t know. The guys had those same jackets as Fi’s half-brother.”

“They were wearing a cut?”

“What is a cut?” She asked.

Ronan didn’t have time to explain that was what biker called their leather vests. Instead he said, “Tell me what was on the back of their leather jackets.”

Emmy groaned. “I don’t remember. Aaargh. I’m trying to remember. Oh, I know. Something with Strong in it…. Strong something, something.”

He couldn’t believe that he really thought that they were safe now that Hank had been handled. After everything he’d been through while fighting in underground fights, hanging out with the MC and on his PI assignments. He should have known that where there’s one snake, there are probably others just waiting to strike.

Emmy had seen it happen right before her eyes.

“I’m getting them back. Call the police, Emm. I’ll call you if I find anything. Stay at the Velvet Club. Don’t walk out, okay? Call your brother to come get you. Be safe.”

“And you,” Emmy said.

Ronan called his brother Donovan while jumping into his jeans and pulling on a black T-shirt.

“Some bikers have taken Fi and Gwenn, don’t know yet. But they were out at the Velvet Club and were taken at gunpoint.”

“Fuckin’ hell.” Donovan said.

“I’m here with Jacob. We’ll check the feed. Do you have anything for us to go on?”

“Black van. That’s all.”

He overheard Donovan order Jacob to check the feeds of other businesses in the area of the Velvet Club.

“I need to hang up. Call me when you find anything,” Ronan said.

His second phone call after he put on his sneakers on his way down to his truck was to Zeus. He’d done Zeus a favor by giving him a heads-up about Hank and Silas, their VP. After Gwenn had saved Demon’s life and they had offered Hank to the MC on a silver platter, the least they could do was help him get Fianna and Gwenn back.

He picked up with a simple, “Zeus.”

Ronan heard in the background loud rock music and people shouting and laughing. He probably was at the clubhouse enjoying just another night with his brothers.

“I need your help. Some guys from another MC just snatched Fianna and Gwenn.” He heard a loud bang and something like shattering glass on the other end of the line. The background noise suddenly stopped.

“Who?” Even Ronan jumped a little at Zeus’ demanding voice.

“My cousin was there. She didn’t know where to look for. They seemed bikers, and they had some kind of emblem with the word ‘Strong’ in it.”

“That’s no coincidence, Ro. Think about it. We’ve picked up Hank at an abandoned warehouse that’s been used as Strong Riders MC’s graveyard. You remember those fields behind that warehouse?”

A chill ran down Ronan’s spine. “They’ve got Fi and Gwenn, Z. We need to go. This just happened like ten minutes ago.”

Zeus talked to someone in the background while Ronan jumped into his truck. He hung up with Zeus dialed his brother. “I think I know where they went, Don.”

“Is it that warehouse where you found Hank?”

Ronan stepped on the gas. “Yeah. I’m fifteen minutes out. Tops.” He just hoped that he would be there in time. The thought alone of someone hurting Fianna or Gwenn killed him. He swallowed his dry throat. Just when everything had seemed perfect…

“Did you call Zeus? I’ve noticed they’re riding out,” Donovan said.

“You’ve got eyes on the MC?”

Ronan took a turn to his right and entered the winding road he’d driven not long ago with Gwenn when they went after Hank. He hoped they were right and that Fianna and Gwenn would still be there. Alive.