She later found out that her mother Joan had come between them and their father when he had tried to regain contact with Fianna and her sisters. Fianna figured that her mother wasn’t entirely to blame. If a man wanted to spend time with his daughters, he’d find a way.

Some of her sisters were teenagers at the time. It wasn’t like they were stuck at home all the time. He could have gone up to their school, to their softball and soccer games. He could have done so much more.

She took a deep breath to will the pain away that laid heavy on her chest.

She dreaded this feeling the most out of this entire meet-the-half-siblings day. She didn’t want to feel. She wanted to forget and be done with it. Just like her father had done all those years ago.

“We heard that your sister Caitlin was born in the same year as Devlin,” Caitriona said.

Fianna nodded. They had done the math, too.

“All I know is that I’ll make sure to never end up like my mother. I can’t believe how she can stay with him. I mean,” Catriona took a deep breath and continued while counting on her fingers, “1984 January, we have Devlin. 1984 December: Caitlin. We heard from our cousin Jessie that Kera is born in 1988, and surprise, surprise… in 1989 we have Kieran born on our side.”

“Love how he decided to have a Kera and a Kieran so short from each other… Maybe it made his life easier remembering all of our names?” Gwenn said with a humorless laugh.

Devlin and Catriona laughed unbelievingly.

“Yeah, hadn’t even thought about that,” Devlin said.

Catriona held up a hand indicating the number five and said, “Number five is you, Fi. Born in 1992.”

Fianna gave a sarcastic and lackluster, “Yaaaay…” and earned a few snickers from Gwenn and Devlin.

“Number six is Bree in 1994 and then in 1996 we have number seven and the youngest and final Ryan sister: Gwenn.”

Gwenn picked up her glass of water, gestured a fake cheer and said, “He had reached perfection in us Ryan girls with me, so he must have figured to go for a couple of Walker girls next.”

Catriona snorted and said with a smile, “Yeah. That must be it…”

Fianna took in the laughing faces of Gwenn, Catriona and Devlin, and she couldn’t believe how they were all joking about their past.

She’d never have guessed that there would have come a day she would hang out with her half-siblings, much less would joke together about their narcissistic father.

“Okay, so Nora and I are born in 2001 and Finn is the last one in 2004.”

“The last one we know of,” Fianna couldn’t help but add.

Devlin hummed in agreement. She really wished she were the only one thinking that it was possible to have other half-siblings floating around somewhere. Having her suspicions confirmed by Devlin made her gut churn.

“Okay, enough about that. Let’s talk about something else,” Fianna quickly added before the conversations could start again. She wanted to pack the thoughts about her father in a box and throw away the key. Meeting the Walkers had been quite enough.

“Where did you two meet each other? You said it was in passing?” Fianna asked as she looked from Gwenn to Devlin.

Without looking at each other, Devlin and Gwenn said in unison; “Club business.”

Devlin gave Gwenn a respectful nod, and Fianna actually felt a bit jealous. What was that all about? She had survived twenty-nine years without the approval nods of a brother.

She didn’t need it.

But perhaps she had just found out that she did want it. Just a teeny bit.

Catriona shifted in her seat and cocked her brow. Apparently, Fianna wasn’t the only one left in the dark.

“You hang out with the MC?” Catriona asked Gwenn, and if Fianna wasn’t mistaken, it seemed like Catriona regarded Gwenn differently now. Like she had earned some kind of respect by hanging out with those hoodlums.

Fianna wondered if Devlin let his sister hang around his buddies of the MC. She thought back at meeting some of Devlin’s friends at the diner that day. That old man, Crocodile—no, Turtle, and his big talk about the size of his penis.

She couldn’t even imagine someone willingly doing so, but she had the feeling that Catriona would fit right in at the MC. Just like her sister Gwenn.