Gwenn whirled on the balls of her feet and strutted over to the chain-link fence that had been opened by a Zion.

“I can’t seem to take you anywhere,” Ronan joked while they walked through the fence. Before she could respond, Zeus walked up to them.

Gwenn gave him one of her scary grins, and Zeus returned it with one of his own.

They seemed a match made in psycho-heaven.

Ronan’s eyes were still adjusting to the dim interior of the warehouse when Gwenn stopped in her tracks. She dropped on one knee, grabbed her gun from her holster at her lower back and shouted, “Get down!”

He knew he’d better did as she said, but just for the sake of the other men, he repeated her words in case they didn’t listen to her. They didn’t know her and they weren’t acquainted with her skills—yet.

Zeus pulled out his gun and signaled to a crouching Demon next to the left sidewall to hold still for a sec by holding up his closed fist.

Gwenn held out her hand, pointing her fingers like a gun. She turned her hand upside down and pointed to the left, a few feet away from Demon.

He knew by her gesture that she had the enemy in sight. This person had to be in the line of Demon’s fire and vice versa.

“Shit…” he heard Zeus whisper, who must have spotted Gwenn’s signal.

Before he even knew what was happening, Gwenn crouched to the right side of the warehouse, keeping her hands on her gun.

“Fuckin’ G.I. Jane,” he heard Wolf murmur behind him.

Ronan held his breath, waiting for any sounds to indicate what was happening in this abandoned warehouse. Although it had an open space plan, there were still a few storage racks to the sides where people could hide. Luckily, hunting, stalking a prey and smoking them out were all Gwenn’s expertise.

The click of a safety being pulled echoed against the bare, high walls of the warehouse. He tensed on high alert.

“Drop your gun, handsome,” he heard several feet away at his far left side.

Ronan let out a sigh of relief since there was only one person present today who could have said that. And he was glad it meant that she was again in full control of the situation.

Ronan followed Zeus to the left side of the building where he saw Demon standing with his mouth slack and his face as white as a sheet. And that was saying much since he knew Demon had inherited his normal deep tan from his Mexican grandmother.

It seemed like Gwenn had intersected Hank, who had tried to sneak up from behind at Demon.

“Can you believe this motherfucker? What in the hell were you even trying to do against all of us if you’d killed him?” Zeus roared, his eyes shooting daggers at Hank.

After a quick nod from Ronan, Gwenn lowered her gun and slid the weapon of Hank to the side on the floor.

Wolf picked up that gun and treated Gwenn with a smile. “Nice work, G.I. Jane.”

Zeus growled to his MC brother, “Shut the fuck up,” before he sucker punched Hank, who’d been caught sneaking around the warehouse with a gun in his hand.

Zeus talked over the Hank’s groans as he fell to the ground, and said to Gwenn, “You did good, baby girl.”

It had been a long while ago that Ronan had seen Gwenn blush. Somehow, between all those though and strong nicknames, ‘baby girl’ did it for her. Ronan snorted.

Gwenn said to Zeus with a mischievous smile. “I thought you were watching every sway of my delectable ass? How come you sound so surprised I showed up on this side?”

“Enough! Your flirting is giving me a headache,” Demon rumbled, his outburst finally giving him some of his color back to his face.

“It’s giving me a hard on,” Zion said and grabbed his crotch. “Fuck. Did you see her stalk him with that gun in hand? I wanted to—”

Before he could finish his sentence, Zeus had taken him by his throat and lifted him into the air.

“One. More. Word.”

Zion turned red in the face before he held up both hands in defeat. He let out a few garbled words and Zeus let him go.