Demon, the MC Enforcer, cleared his throat, bringing the attention to him.

“Who’s that?” Dragon jerked his chin toward Gwenn. “She the one you’re ‘bout to play house with?”

Ronan watched as Demon’s gaze went up from Gwenn’s combat boots and over her tight black jeans. The boots normally would be a dead giveaway. Gwenn wasn’t some prissy chick that felt it was cute to wear combat boots as some kind of fashion statement.

No, these suckers had been around the world. Literally. They had the scuffs and discoloring to prove it.

Demon pulled a brow when his gaze flickered over Gwenn’s customized belt below her flat stomach.

“You got a permit for that gun at your back?”

Gwenn’s eyes danced with mischief. “Who wants to know?”

Ronan shook his head while expelling a sigh. This was going to be a long day. He already anticipated that the guys would sling their dicks around the moment Gwenn caught their eye. She was every biker’s wet dream with her curves and innocent eyes balancing out her snarky tomboy attitude.

Poor guys. They wouldn’t know what hit them if she went in full and stopped playing with her prey.

Demon leaned in to take a step forward and take her bait, but Zeus beat him to it. The Sergeant-at-Arms seemed to have little time for Gwenn’s playful attitude.

At six foot seven, Zeus looked down at Gwenn’s five foot nine and said, “What’s your name, sweets?”

Gwenn’s look conveyed to him she wanted to know if this guy was for real.

“Cat got your tongue… Fianna?” Zeus said with a smug smile.

She took a full step forward so she would be within arms’ reach of Zeus. The unexpected move from this unknown armed woman had two of the members behind Zeus to reach for their weapon.

Gwenn clicked her tongue. “Why are men so disappointing?”

Ronan chose to intervene before they would go down the rabbit hole of why men suck. “Okay, listen up. Gwenn, meet Demon, Wolf, Dragon, Zion and Zeus of the Iron Vikings MC. This big guy with steam coming out of his ears is their Enforcer, also known as Demon. Scary fucker. Wouldn’t want to mess with him.”

He made sure to have the guys’ attention when he said, “Guys, meet my partner, Gwenn. She’s my woman’s sister and apparently big mouths are a family trait.”

Gwenn arched her brow. He was thankful she left it with that. He let the laughs die down before he continued, “But I wouldn’t want to mess with her, either. And I mean that.”

Dragon walked up next to Demon and held out his hand for Gwenn. “Nice to meet you, Scary.”

Zion joined them and said, “Nah, forget that shit. She already has a road name. Guys, meet Brass Balls.”

Ronan laughed at the look on Gwenn’s face. He’d better set her to work before she grabbed Zion by the back of his head and crack his nose against her knee.

“Gwenn and I are going to check out the warehouse for a second.”

“Why?” Demon crossed his muscular arms in front of his leather cut.

“We’ve got a lead on some boring PI job. That okay… Stud?” Gwenn said and cocked her hip. It didn’t go unnoticed by the group of men as their eyes followed the movement.

“Zeus,” Demon said.

Ronan watched how the IVMC Enforcer asked the Zeus for his final say. It was like Zeus was already their President while Zeus’ father was still very much in control of the club. Ronan didn’t like it one bit. That internal shit storm was coming sooner rather than later.

It was a simple answer. One that Ronan anticipated. “I’ve talked it over with Donovan. He knows we’re here.”

“You do know that this is a know hang out spot for the Strong Riders MC? I don’t believe they would want to have two civilians sniffin’ around.”

Was Hank hanging out with yet another MC? At this deserted warehouse? Ronan eyed the crestfallen building once more. It would be an excellent spot to hide out for a while.

Zeus pushed his luck by standing toe-to-toe with Gwenn. He leaned in and Ronan could barely overhear him murmur, “If I say you’re in, then you’re in. But I’ll be watching every sway of your delectable ass.”