Pops waved his hand in the air and said, “Phsst. I don’t need to sit down. I need Ronan and Fianna to come with me outside for a moment.”

Before his words even registered with her, Pops shuffled through the swinging doors of the kitchen. She took Ronan’s outstretched hand and followed him through the kitchen to the enclosed alley behind the pub.

Ronan engulfed her shoulders with his jacket. His scent of rain and sandalwood somewhat calmed her as they approached Pops. Ronan remained standing as she sat down at the bench next to Pops without meeting his eyes.

“Are yous back together?” he asked her.

She swallowed the lump in her throat and tried to make out what Pops’ state of mind was. He didn’t seem upset, but he wasn’t jumping for joy, either. It surprised her, since he’d always been urging them both to get back together.

Ronan tried to answer for her, but Pops said, “I’m asking her, boyo.”

Ronan gave her an apologetic smile, Fianna swallowed her nerves and said, “Uh, yes. We’re trying to work things out.”


This was Pops, the man who had helped raise Ronan while his father was working all hours at the pub, and the man who had helped her move to Winter Peaks six years ago. She loved him and needed him to be happy for them.

She said, “I know this might come as a surprise…”

Pops nodded and glanced over at Ronan, who immediately stood at attention and righted his shoulders.

“Are ye done playin’ ‘round, boy?”

Ronan’s light green eyes held Fianna’s when, with a solemn nod, he said, “Yes. Fianna is the love of my life, Pops. It’s no secret that I never wanted us to break up in the first place.”

Although it stung that he had to throw that in, she understood where he was coming from.

Pops’ knowing eyes scrutinized her for a moment before he said, “I know yer influence would be good for my boy. But I don’t want ye to lose yerself again. Have yous talked about what went wrong last time?”

“Ronan says he’s done fighting in those fight clubs,” she said.

Pops’s bushy gray brows rose. “That right?”

“Yes. Talked to the MC yesterday. I’m done.”

“I’m proud of ye, boyo. I think seeing yous together again is the best birthday gift I could ever receive. Now, a last word of advice to the both of ye; don’t mess it up again.”

Ronan grinned and Fianna’s heart pitter-pattered at the twinkle in his eye.

Pops got up from the bench. “All right. Now that we’ve talked, I’m goin’ to get me a drink. See yous in a bit.”

“Thanks, Pops,” she said.

Pops turned and gave her one of his rare smiles. “Anytime, fine thing. Do you remember what I said six years ago? That offer still stands.”

She had a feeling he would bring that up again. She snickered and watched Pops go back into the kitchen.

Ronan sat in Pop’s vacated seat and said, “What’s that?”

Fianna lifted her chin and said, “Nothing. Just remember that when you mess things up, Pops is coming after you.”

Ronan laughed and said, “Damn. I’ve fought some crazy fuckers, but I think Pops would be the meanest if not dirtiest fighter if I mess with you.”

“You may be right about that.”

“I guess we’ve become official-official as a couple just now, eh?” Ronan said, looking mighty smug.

Somewhere in the back of her mind, she still held on to the idea of keeping her guard up. But like always, being with Ronan took her on a ride with no control whatsoever. As exciting as it often was, it also scared the crap out of her.