“Aye, boyo. Come ‘ere.”

Pops opened his arms and the seven-year-old slammed his little body against Pops’ potbelly. He ruffled Tommy’s honey blonde hair and said, “Are ye ready to party, Blondie?”

Fianna loved how Pops always took his time with everyone.

She glanced over at Tommy’s father, Keenan, who shared a loving look with his wife, Ryleigh. Fianna had yet to warm up to Ryleigh, even though she’d heard from her sister Bree that she really was a sweetheart.

Maybe it’s because Ryleigh had gotten so close to Ronan as his sparring partner that Fianna was a little standoffish towards her. It shamed her to admit, but the first time she witnessed them together in the ring, the green-eyed monster roared inside of her.

“Just like old times’ sake,” Lily Mills said as she came out of the kitchen, walking straight up to Fianna with the biggest smile she’d ever seen on her.

Ronan’s cousin could not only pass for Fianna’s twin looks wise with her long, fire red hair and green eyes. Lily also had a lot of spunk and wasn’t afraid to share it with the rest of the world.

If it weren’t for Lily, Fianna probably would still be lying in bed right now, crying over Ronan and feeling sorry for herself. Lily had barged into her room during the first week of her self-exile to Winter Peaks, yanked the covers from over her head and demanded she’d get her lazy bum out of bed.

They got into a huge fight, because nobody told Fianna what to do. But clearly, Lily wasn’t used to hearing no for an answer either.

Fianna smiled at the memory as she let go of Ronan and dashed to her best friend. Lily’s colorful tattooed arms engulfed her, bringing Fianna to tears.

Lily sniffed and said, “Why are we crying? We talk almost every day!”

Ronan snickered beside them. “You two almost have me going, too.”

“You’re late. You missed out on Pops walking into the pub,” Fianna said to her friend.

“I went to see if I could help out Emmy, and sort of got caught up talking to my cousin. I’ve missed you all so much.”

Fianna glanced around the room filled with Pops’ offspring.

It really hit home for her how close all these Mills and Moore cousins were. The love for each other overruled state lines and obvious different ways of life. The mix in this group astounded Fianna as a quick glance around the room showed farmers and schoolteachers present, but also MMA fighters and a tattoo artist.

She shot Brennan a sympathetic smile when he wiped a tear away from the corner of his eye. His girlfriend, Errin, kissed his cheek before she let go of his arm and stepped out of the throng of people.

“Aye, Bunny. I guess yer glad ye no longer have to keep this a secret?” Pops said.

Errin laughed and said, “You know me too well.”

Pops’s eyes glistened while he took Errin into a bear hug. “This is all too much for this old man, lass.”

Errin gave him a loving squeeze before she let go and said, “It was all Shauni’s idea.”

Pops walked over to Shauni and gave his daughter a kiss on the cheek. He cleared his throat and said, “Well. I guess I need to say a few words then. Although I’m not that much of a talker—”

Before he could finish his sentence, Ronan shouted, “Pops, you shoot out your wisdom and unsolicited advice without breathing. You’re like an Uzi going: RAT-A-TAT-A-TAT-A-TATAT.”

The room erupted in laughter, and Fianna slapped Ronan’s bicep. She couldn’t believe he actually said that to his grandfather. Ronan winked before he slid his arm around her waist and pulled her close.

Ronan kissed her cheek, and Pops drew an audible gasp, startling Fianna. “Well, I’ll be damned!” he said.

The heat crept up her cheeks when she locked eyes with Pops.

As if struck by lightning, Pops stood still in the middle of the pub, surrounded by his family, who all held their breath for what was to come. Everyone knew Pops would speak his mind and wouldn’t sugarcoat anything.

Her heart pounded in her chest, and she brushed her sweaty palm over her black dress. Ronan dropped his smug grin.

Pops placed a hand on his heart and said, “Somebody please tell me I’m not dreamin’.”

Sean Jr. walked over to Pops and placed his hand on his shoulder. “It’s all right, Dad. Do you want to sit down?”