Ronan understood that Demon speaking up for him was a big deal. Ronan might have already used up his marker for not outing Demon’s interest in Devlin’s sister.

Damn. That was quick.

“That’s not your call to make, Enforcer,” Zeus grumbled.

Ronan watched the tick in Demon’s jaw before he gave a single nod. “Right.”

“She means that much to you, eh?”

Ronan wasn’t sure if Zeus was talking to him or to Demon, since he uncharacteristically had spoken out of turn. But he figured to take another one for Demon and said, “Yes. Fi is my life. I’m done.”

Demon didn’t meet his eyes but stared at Dragon behind him, who no doubt had his thoughts about what just had passed between Zeus and him.

“Okay. You’ve fought your last match for us. But that doesn’t mean our dealings are over,” Zeus said as he leaned in over the table, his palms flat on the table.

Ronan couldn’t hide his confusion. “Wait. Why?”

“I’m not letting you leave this room until you tell us exactly what we want to know. Tell us what your brother found out about the guy that stabbed you.”

He let his words sink in for a moment. The trouble with only being a friend of the club instead of being a part of the club was that he wasn’t on a need to know basis. For all Ronan knew, the men in this room knew damn well Hank dealt drugs for the club.

But on the other hand, these men were all hardened criminals with two golden rules nobody dared to mess around with. First off: women and children were off limits. Secondly, the club members could light up as much weed as they pleased, but they stayed away from hard drugs.

Demon said, “That fucking idiot has been in hiding ever since he cut you open like he wanted to sell you for parts. He’s a real piece of work. Apparently, he called his cousin last night and told her he wants revenge for being chased out of Austin.”

Ronan was well acquainted with the lay of the land in finding someone in hiding. As a private investigator, he did everything in his power to go after whatever others tried to hide. It wouldn’t surprise him if his brother Donovan already knew about this phone call from Hank to his cousin. He probably even traced the call and knew where this dumbass hid.

“I’m goin’ to right out and ask you somethin’…”

Demon’s cold, hard stare had Ronan swallow his lump in his throat.

“Who’s been meeting up with Hank? You said it’s snowing on our doorstep. Someone from our club is supplying Hank with blow.”

It was now or never.

Should he go with his gut and trust these guys?

Zeus slammed his fist on the table and said, “If you weren’t a friend of the club, we would have had this conversation in our fuckin’ basement with a drain in the middle of the fuckin’ floor. Now fuckin’ tell us who’s been doin’ us dirty!”

Ronan had never, ever seen Zeus lost his cool. It was actually his reaction rather than his words that he felt he could trust Zeus.

“It’s Silas.”

“What?” Devlin’s chair scraped over the floor as he got up from his seat.

Ronan didn’t miss the nod Demon gave Zeus. They must have had their suspicions already.

Zeus said to Devlin, “Sit down. And whatever the fuck has been said stays in this room.”

Devlin plunked down in his seat. “He’s our VP, Z. What the fuck, man?”

“Not with an outsider present, Dev,” Demon said calmly.

Ronan held up both hands. “I’ll take that as my cue to leave you guys to it.”

“I’ll walk you out.” Zeus said. They walked into the hallway, but Zeus held still for a moment.

He clasped Ronan’s shoulder and leaned in. “Thank you for comin’ to us. I’ll not forget how you chose to give us a heads-up about somethin’ others might have walked away from. If you ever need us, give us a call, okay?”