The wobble in Bree’s voice pained Fianna. While she was busy thinking about her problems with Ronan, her sister was clearly not in a right place. It wasn’t like Bree to cry. Or to let poop-stained children’s clothes touch the bathroom floor for even a moment.

“How long has it been since you’ve had a day for yourself?” Fianna asked.

Bree brushed a tear away. “We’re not doing this, Fi. I’m fine. It’s just a day out of the life of a working mom with two-year-old twins. I just need some sleep. That’s all.”

“Are they teething again?” Fianna asked as she picked up the clothes with a scrunched up nose. She stretched her arm fully out in front of her, bringing the dirty clothes over to the sink.

“You don’t have to do that, Fi.”

“I know you don’t need any help. You’re a fantastic mom. You’re also the best sister one could ever have—don’t tell the others I’ve said that.”

Bree kept undressing Ava for her bath as she gave Fianna a watery smile. “It’s been a tough week at work. And Dec has this case that’s been slurping all his time… add in the twins not sleeping…”

Fianna rubbed the stains under the hot spray. “I get it, sis. But you know you can always call me. I’m free every night. I’d rather help you out than sit alone at my apartment, talking to my dead plants.”

Bree busted out laughing. “Please tell me you’re joking.”

“I’m joking.” Somewhat. “But still… I know Mom drilled us to never rely on anyone. To always hack it on your own. But you know what? That’s just bullshit.”

“Fi, language…” Bree nudged her chin toward the twins in the bathtub.

“Sorry. I forgot for a moment.”

Bree sat on the edge, keeping an eye on the twins while talking with Fianna. These every-day-life-moments with her sister and niece and nephew were the highlights of Fianna’s week nowadays.

After retiring from show jumping with her horse Stormchaser, her life hadn’t been as thrilling as it used to be. Sure, she loved teaching horse riding at the farm and spending almost every day with the Moore family.

It didn’t fill that void, though. She still felt like a vital part of her was missing and just out of reach. At first, she’d tried to fix that feeling by making new friends in Colorado. She practically went on every tournament out in the country with Stormchaser. Show jumping gave her a rush that almost tipped the excitement she’d felt around Ronan.

But no matter how hard she tried, Ronan Mills still owned that little but most important piece of her: her heart.

She shut the faucet and said, “Okay. Pick a date and I’ll be here at five. I’ll cook for these little munchkins and sleep over so you and Dec can go out.”

Bree wiped a dark curl from her face and puffed. “I don’t wanna go out. I just want to sleep.”

Fianna joined Bree’s laugh despite herself.

Declan cleared his throat, clearly having been eavesdropping from the bathroom’s threshold. “That’s a great idea. Thanks, Fi.”

She returned her brother-in-law’s smile. “No problem.”

Declan got Dean out of the bathtub and Bree helped Ava out while Fianna put the pile of dirty clothes into the washer downstairs. She let them do their thing after kissing Ava and Dean goodnight.

She plunked down on the sofa and started scrolling through her social media on her phone. She smiled when she overheard Declan start the story about the Big Bad Wolf and The Three Little Pigs before Bree scold him for getting the kids all worked up before going to bed.

Fianna reread Ronan’s texts from four nights ago, after running into him at the Velvet Club.

RONAN: And you fuckin’ broke me, Fi

Hadn’t Declan said as much tonight? That Ronan hadn’t been the same after their breakup?

RONAN: But I’m your bastard

RONAN: Always have been and always will be

Her thumbs hovered over her screen. Should she? What was there to say? If she kept ignoring these texts, her message that she’d rather be left alone would come across loud and clear. Maybe that would be the end of his sudden interest.

The problem was that deep down; she liked the idea of him thinking about her. Him stating that he would always be hers—how idiotic it may seem since he’d been an absolute manwhore, stirred something inside. She shot a glance up the stairs when she heard Declan and Bree whisper in the hallway.