Gwenn stood from the table, pulled out her wallet and paid the bill. She left a hefty tip for the waitress and said, “I’m headin’ out. You need to get your head on straight, Fi. Don’t mess this up. You two finally get to have your second chance. Nobody needs to be the bigger person in this reconciliation. There is no ‘who was right or wrong’. Just wake the fuck up and get the fuck over yourself.”

Fianna wanted to give her sister an earful. Gwenn had her all pegged and wasn’t afraid to give it to her straight. Just as Fianna wanted to defend her hesitation to start things anew with Ronan, she got interrupted.

“I love me a woman with a dirty mouth,” an old man in a leather vest and leather pants said in passing.

He’d said it jokingly, but Fianna shot from her seat. She wanted no part in whatever this man and his two biker buddies were up to.

“Oh, yeah? That’s probably because whatever you’re packing smells like rotten eggs, anyway.”

“Gwenn!” Fianna couldn’t believe her sister. These guys were part of the Iron Vikings MC. She recognized the emblem on their jackets. They weren’t guys you could mess around with.

Fianna wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans. The two younger men flanking the old biker busted out in laughter. “She got you there, Turtle.”

Gwenn boomed over their laughter with a laugh of her own and said, “You’ve got to be fuckin’ jokin’. Turtle? Your road name is Turtle?”

The gray bearded man smirked as he grabbed a hold of his junk. “The leatherback turtle can reach over eight feet.”

Fianna gasped at his crudeness but Gwenn said, “My guess is that you’re not named after that particular sort.”

Gwenn’s eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she discussed the size of this old timer’s penis. The bikers must have recognized a fellow weirdo in her, since they all started laughing together.

Fianna moved away from the table, holding still behind Gwenn. “Are you coming?”

“Yeah. Just let me get a doggy bag for Ronan. I don’t think he’s goin’ to eat anything in that hospital,” Gwenn said.

“Ronan?” One of the two younger guys said. His ice-blue eyes narrowed as he cocked his head. Fianna read the name Angel on his jacket. She wondered if that name rang true for his personality. Probably not since he’s in a biker gang.

“You know Ronan Mills?” Angel asked, all playfulness gone.

Gwenn ignored his demanding tone of voice. She picked up the chicken filled plate and placed leg for leg into the doggy bag. Angel approached their table, and Gwenn squared up for a fight.

Fianna wanted nothing to do with this stupid pissing match. “Gwenn. Ro wouldn’t want you to hurt them.”

Turtle laughed and then heaved like he was on his last breath. “Hurt us?”

Gwenn ignored the old biker and addressed Angel. “I’m aware that Ro fights in your fight club. But how did you even know I was talking ‘bout Ronan Mills? If you have anything to do with what happened, all bets are off.”

“What the fuck, lady? You even know who you’re talking to?” said the one biker who had said nothing until now.

“Zion? That’s your road name?” Gwenn asked him while eyeing his vest.

Zion gave her a nod. He intrigued Fianna as he almost reached seven ft. He’d probably had to walk into the diner sideways because of all the muscles he packed.

Fianna couldn’t believe the nerve of her sister, speaking to these men like she did. Little Gwennie had nerves of steel—she had to give her that.

Zion said, “We just went by the hospital. Ronan might not be an IVMC member, but he’s still a friend of the club.”

Gwenn visibly relaxed as she picked up the filled doggy bag. “Good. And I meant no disrespect to you or your club.”

“You Ronan’s Ol’ Lady or somethin’?” Turtle asked her. He eyed her reaction while rubbing his gray beard that fell to his chest.

Gwenn grinned. “Nah. I’m still looking for that one guy with a green, eight-foot long schlong.”

Turtle guffawed. “Get outta here, Brass Balls. Before I sling you over my shoulder and haul your ass back to our club.”

Fianna followed Gwenn out of the diner. Once they were out on the sidewalk, Fianna glanced over her shoulder. Just as she expected, the men kept a close eye on them.

She hadn’t decided yet if that made her feel safer or not.