Sean Jr. cleared his throat. “Now is not the time, sweet girl.”

Errin walked over to the two former raging bulls, now standing in a state of annoyance or rather confusion. She grinned because Sean Jr.’s dismissal didn’t discourage her—well, not exactly.

She gave it her all as she threw her hands out in the air and sang from the top of her lungs, “A spatu-laaaaaaah.”

“Christ. She really Brennan’s girl?” Niall asked his brother with a quirked brow.

Sean Jr. shook his head while chuckling. “Yes. Can you imagine her telling her jokes to Bren?”

Niall bellowed a laugh and grabbed a hold of his strong abdomen. Keenan and Aiden’s dad obviously still kept in shape by doing hard labor as a construction worker.

Looks wise, he resembled Keenan, only twenty years their senior with a short trimmed gray beard and wavy slight gray hair on top. Niall wiped a tear from under his eye. “That I’ve got to see.”

Sean Jr. laughed along with his brother and grabbed Errin’s shoulder and tugged her into his side. He kissed the top of her hair. “A sight to behold, I swear. I’ve never seen me boy happier. Sorry for being short with you, dear lass.”

She let his remark slide about her being together with Brennan. She nodded and shot a glance at Niall, who cocked his head and waited for what was to come.

But she figured her work was done here since it had broken the tension and the two brothers had even laughed together. At her expense, but that didn’t matter to Errin. She smiled at Niall and said, “You want another joke, eh? I see it in your eyes.”

He laughed and shook his head. “Priceless. I’ve heard about you. My boy Keenan speaks real highly of you.”

Sean Jr.’s hand tensed on her shoulder, just for a second, but she’d felt it, anyway. She laughed. “Ah, that’s nice of him. He’s a great guy. If I had a single sister, I would definitely send her his way, but alas…”

Niall snickered and said, “So, Brennan it is?”

She nodded and without missing a beat said, “Yep.”

“Damn, Dad. You never quit pimping me out, eh?” Keenan spoke behind her back. “Although this time, I can’t argue with you.”

She turned her head to look over her shoulder at Keenan who winked at her, before Brennan shoulder checked him on his way to Errin. Errin looked over at Emmy, who snorted and rolled her eyes at her cousins.

“Errin, care to ditch all the testosterone for a while?” Emmy asked. “My uncle and I are done with the plans so I can go shop for some extra kitchen stuff. Maybe find some new… spatu-laaaahs,” she singsonged. Not as loud as Errin—but still.

“Damn. It’s contagious,” Niall joked as he jabbed Emmy in the ribs with his elbow. Emmy giggled and said to Errin, “So, let’s get out of here.”

“Sure, let me grab my stuff. I’ll see you at the back door, okay?”

“Okay,” Emmy said.

Before she could walk out of the kitchen, Brennan held her to his chest and hugged her tight. “After today, we’re never having karaoke night at Lucky,” Brennan said with a smile in his voice.

She glanced up at him and grinned, “Ah, you heard me?”

“Yeah,” he said. “Glad we already packed all the glassware away.”

She poked his ribs with her index finger before he took her hand and guided it from his body.

“Mmm. That’s a shame. I love karaoke. But never mind. I can always do some coyote ugly and lip-synch. You’ve noticed I have the moves….” She waggled her eyebrows.

Some snorts and snickers surrounded them, but Brennan raised his brows in question. “Coyote ugly?”

“Geez. How old are you, exactly?”

“Irish fire, I’ll tell ye,” Pops said from the kitchen doorway.

Brennan kissed her lips and said, “Don’t I know it.”

After grabbing her purse from Brennan’s apartment, Errin walked out the back door and over to Emmy, who already had her car running.