His dick twitched, and he grabbed a hold of it through his black boxer briefs, feeling his length hardening beneath his fingers. Under her tits, he spotted a toned waist and was that a belly button piercing? A tattoo over her left ribs drew his attention, but he couldn’t make out the words in this angle.

ERRIN: Cat got your tongue?

She had the audacity to ask. He needed to reply, but he’d been too busy leering at her tits.

BRENNAN: Fuck. Can’t even think of anything smart to type. All my blood went from my brain to my dick…

She sent a blushing emoji,

ERRIN:So, think you can return the favor?

Okay. A picture of his chest would be no problem. He just had to make sure his now raging hard-on was out of the picture. But first he needed to reply.

BRENNAN: Your picture wasn’t exactly what I asked for, Lips. Not that I’m complaining… Followed by a drooling emoji.

He hit send and kept typing.

BRENNAN:But next time I see you, you better give me that smile…

He opened the camera app and flexed his muscles for the picture. Shit, he needed to get it from another angle and stood from his bed. He walked into his attached bathroom and switched the lights on.

He shook his head at his reflection in the bathroom mirror: a thirty-seven-year-old man, squinting at his own reflection, deepening the crowfeet next to his light green eyes, rubbing the three days' worth of stubble on his chiseled chin.

He was about to send the youngest sister of his brother’s girlfriends, a picture of him—half naked. He’d sent a picture like this before, but that had been to his girlfriendat the time.

Errin replied before he could take a picture, making him groan out loud as he read it.

ERRIN: How about this… next time I see you, I’ll be wearing my biggest, brightest smile and nothing else?

She was killing him here. Now he pictured her taunting him, as she stood naked before him. He took out his dick from his boxers and stroked it from base to tip. After a fewhard strokes, the telltale tingles surfaced and traveled his spine. How in the hell did she get him so worked up already?

Another notification pinged on his phone, and he grabbed it from the counter.

ERRIN: Are you still there? Or are your hands otherwise engaged?

Mmm, always that fuckin’ sass on her. What he wouldn’t do for a chance to put her hands and lips into a better use right now. He pictured her plump, pink lips enveloping his thick base, giving his dick a warm welcome into her luscious mouth.

She would lick him while fisting his cock with her small hand. Repeatedly licking and sucking him further in. He would tower over her, as she would connect those sweet aquamarine orbs with his green eyes.

Oh, his hand would go from her cheek up into her hairline, where his fingers would glide through her gorgeous warm blonde strands, as she would swallow around him.

He pumped faster and faster, making his toes curl and his muscles flex while he groaned out his release. “Fuuuck.” After catching his breath, he turned on the faucet and washed away his cum from the bathroom sink.

He opened the shower stall and turned on the spray before he ridded himself from his boxer briefs. After stepping under the scalding water, a vision of Errin popped up in his mind. The petite vixen who needed to stay in control by sending him a picture of her tits, instead of a simple photo of her smile. Complicated and puzzling, all wrapped up in fuckin’ sexy purple lace.

Never mind coming just moments ago, his dick already hardened while picturing Errin in that erotic piece of fabric. Shit, he still hadn’t replied to her. Now that wasn’t very gentlemanlike of him. He would have to rectify this situation immediately. He opened the shower stall and grabbed his phone from the counter.

He covered his chest with a handful of shower gel and let the sandalwood-scented suds trail down to his abs. He shot the pictures while holding his phone just outside the shower door.

After taking and scrutinizing another three pictures, he sent the best one to Errin. It showed his erect nipples and his shiny, wet chest hair, sticking to his tanned skin above his six-pack, with a little start of the V shape going further down.

He turned the showerhead toward the tiles in the stall's corner to stand partially under the spray without getting his phone wet. By placing the device on the integrated shampoo ledge at eye level, he monitored their rendezvous if she’d reply him.

She received his picture and one quick response after the other came in.

ERRIN: Fuck. That’s hot.

ERRIN: I was wondering what took you so long.