Another push and pull. Another lick behind her ear. Another push and pull. A bite at her nipple. Another push and pull. He pumped and pumped until his toes started to curl. The pressure was suddenly released when he came on a big roar.

“Aaaaaaah. You and me, Kate.”

He returned to the land of the living not long after he came, suddenly becoming aware of him lying on top of her. Shifting, he pulled her up to the middle of the bed to give her some breathing room.

“Thanks.” She giggled with a big blush.

He leaned on his elbow with his hand behind his head and watched her chest rising and falling. “I’m sorry for suffocating you. I guess you fucked me senseless.” He nipped her neck and licked the spot to make sure he claimed each and every inch of her.

She sighed and looked up at him. “Same.”

He grinned and then kissed her slightly freckled nose. “You’re cute.”

She guffawed. “You’re a fucking machine.”

He bellowed a laugh, because that wasn’t what he expected to come from his cupcake’s lips. He grabbed the comforter that had been pushed from the bed and laid it on top of them. She smiled knowingly while clasping her hands under her cheek. She always did that before she went to sleep. He sighed as he remembered it was still night and they really needed to get some rest.

He grabbed her ass and scooted her closer to him. “Sleep, little one.”

She swept some annoying strands from the corner of his eye before she yawned and dared to argue, “I’m hardly little, Donovan.”

He had his work cut out for him. He knew she had self-esteem issues, but fuck. Why couldn’t she see what he saw when he looked at her? The most beautiful girl in the world. Inside and out.

He couldn’t control his grumbled tone of voice as he tried to pay her a compliment. “You’re beautiful.”

She snorted. “Thanks.”

He scoffed when she dismissed his compliment. He kissed her lips, and she smiled with her eyes closed. She was almost asleep, but he needed to get this off his chest. “I mean it, Kate. You’re so fucking beautiful, I can’t even think of why you can’t see what I see.”

Her “Hmmm” was followed by a soft snore, and he guessed he wasn’t going to get through to her tonight. He shook his head and took his time taking her in while another sweet little sigh passed her lips. He grabbed his phone from the nightstand and swiped directly down to open up the camera app.

He zoomed in, and when he had the swell of her breast in sight, he snapped the picture. He took another of her slightly opened lips and groaned as he envisioned them around his dick. His screen read 4:00 a.m. He was wide awake again. Normally he would be in a lazy, blissful state of mind after coming so fucking hard. But maybe his frustration with Kate’s insecurities was winding him up.

He stepped out of bed and grabbed his sketchbook and charcoals from his studio, locking the door behind him. As he reentered the bedroom, he took in the view of the moonlight cascading over Kate’s body through the bedroom window.

She lay on her side, facing him with her hands still clasped under her cheek. Her silk chocolate hair trailed between her breasts before it touched the mattress. He grabbed the chair next to his dresser and placed it beside the bed.

He let his fingers slide over the empty page as if he were caressing it before grabbing his charcoal and letting his hand work its magic. His eyes went from Kate to his sketch over and over again. He was in the zone as each line, each smudge of shadow came to life.

While drawing, his mind slipped into an almost meditative state, and when he emerged, he had another piece of art of his cupcake. But this one was even more special. He saw the love he had for her woven into his creation.

Now that he thought about it, perhaps it had been present in each work he’d made of Kate. Who would’ve known that he could fall so fast and so hard? He’d never experienced anything like this, and the thought of losing Kate made his gut clench and his head hurt. All he could do now was hold on to her for as long as he could.