
He took advantage when she’d opened up to speak and played with her tongue. His strokes were unanswered at first, but she moaned against his mouth soon enough and joined him. She wound an arm around his neck as the other went in search of his dick. When her small hand reached his zipper, he groaned out loud.

“Oh my God. You two! You do realize I can hear each and every moan coming from behind your door? You guys make me sick!” Errin screeched.

Kate turned rigid in his arms, and at first he thought she’d push him away, again, but the shaking of her back was the only sign of what came next. Kate burst out laughing, and this carefree and loud laugh was so unexpected from her that he bellowed a laugh and joined her.

“Oh yeah, that’s just great. Reaaal mature. Fucking assholes!”

The slamming of a door interrupted their laughter. Donovan didn’t really know Errin very well, as he only had eyes for Kate when they first met and later on tried to distance himself from Kate and thereby her sister as well.

But he knew this, Errin sounded real hurt and not just mad. And something in his gut told him that Kate and him laughing hadn’t been the cause of it.