DON: Almost ready to go home?

Hmm, that was odd. Why did he assume she wasn’t at home already? The decision to stay late today was a last-minute thing as Craig, their colleague and the guy Bree kept dating against her better judgment, had asked them to help with the preparations for the play at the end of this week. Bree and Kate were busy painting a backdrop when she heard the sound of her phone for another incoming text and then noticed his earlier sent text.

“What’s wrong?” Bree asked.

She looked up from her screen and shook her head in an attempt to dismiss the weird feeling that came over her. “Nothing, it’s nothing. Crank up the music for me? I love this song.”

Bree turned up the volume of the Taylor Swift song on the radio and returned her focus to finishing the blue backdrop. St. Helena’s Kindergarten would have their play this Friday, before Columbus Day, and because it was Wednesday already, they really needed to help Craig out. Kate was happy to assist since he seemed a bit overwhelmed.

“How are the costumes coming along?” Craig inquired while coming up to her.

She smiled softly and said, “I’ve finished Columbus’s hat and coat, and now I’m helping Bree with the stage.”

“Oh, how about the other costumes? And the boat! How are we ever going to finish the boat?” Craig asked wide-eyed as he walked back and forth over the small stage in the auditorium. Their school wasn’t all that polished or posh; it needed a lot of TLC on deferred maintenance. But the size of the school was awesome. They had a great auditorium, and their play about Columbus Day with the little ones was going to be something else.

She wanted to reassure him, seeing he clearly wasn’t handling it all too well. “It’s going to be okay. I still can’t believe you never went all-out on a play before at this school. We’ve got everything we need. It’s going to be amazing! We just need to put things together and work on some minor details. But everything will work out fine.”

“Hmm, I hope so. I’m in way over my head here. You know that Albert left me in charge for this. It’s the first time he ever gave me this much responsibility, and I don’t want to mess it up,” he solemnly said.

Kate glanced over at Bree, who rolled her eyes behind his back. She didn’t seem too impressed with Craig. Kate made a mental note to talk to her sometime soon because her best friend must know by now that dating him wasn’t going anywhere. The only feeling he seemed to bring to light was annoyance, and it made Kate feel sorry for the guy.

Suddenly, she felt two big hands on her shoulders. She took her fill of his manly scent that wafted over her, and the warmth radiating at her back drew her even closer to him—Donovan. She turned around and took her time to really take him in. His tanned skin, chiseled jaw, stormy gray eyes, and his wavy dark hair—she wanted to collect all these little pieces of him like a puzzle. How could she be so lucky? He had to be the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen.

She’d thought he was handsome when they’d first met months ago, but now that she knew to what extend he was capable of pleasuring her, it made him even more desirable—irresistible for sure. She beamed up at him, but he didn’t seem to be on the same wavelength. His furrowed brows and thin lips exuded his irritation with her.

He grumbled, “Cupcake, is something wrong with your phone?”

She lifted an eyebrow in confusion. He traced his thumb on her high eyebrow and trailed it down to her cheekbone. The moment he touched her, he seemed to relax some. He leaned in, putting his lips close to her ear and whispered, “I sent you a text, and you never replied. I know you saw the text; it was delivered and read.”

She pulled her head back and narrowed her eyes at him. “I’ve been working on some things here. Is there a problem?”

He seemed a bit taken aback by her directness, but he kissed her lips before answering with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “No, no problem at all. I was just worried, that’s all. I only wanted to know you were okay.”

Bree stepped up next to them and greeted Donovan. He seemed to hear her but took a full moment to gaze into Kate’s eyes before he let go and turned to Bree. “Hey. What’s up?”

“Nothing really,” Bree grumbled. She seemed to be even more out of sorts now that Donovan had entered the auditorium. Donovan glanced at Kate, who simply shrugged.

“Okay, squirt, tell me.”

“What is it with you Mills brothers and calling me squirt? I hate it, you know.” Bree fisted her hands on her hips.


She stepped closer to Kate and Donovan and leaned in to whisper, “He’s making me nuts. Ugh, he’s just so… Goody Two-shoes.”

Donovan bellowed a laugh, earning him an elbow to the ribs from Bree. She continued in a much louder whisper, “I mean it. You know I really have a thing for the good guys and all, but fuck, if he brings up Principal Albert once more, I’m going to kick him in his Columbus eggs.”

They all howled with laughter, and Donovan slipped his arm around Kate’s waist before kissing the top of her head. It felt really good having him here at her place of work. Before she could help herself, she asked, “Want to help us out?”

Without thinking, he said, “Sure, cupcake. What can I do?”

“Ooh good, we sure need another strong man here,” Craig shouted from the stage where he was busy looking at the cardboard planks for the boat lying at his feet.

“He is aware those planks are made of cardboard and weigh nothing, isn’t he?” Donovan grinned.

Kate tried to look sternly at him, but once he gave her a lopsided grin, she was done for. The evening was spent with the three of them up on the stage finishing the backdrop, the boat, and the rest of the costumes. Craig walked in and out of the auditorium, seeming to be busy making more props. He was handy, she would give him that. And he was also a nice guy and a very amiable colleague. However, she could see he lacked the fire Bree seemed to need from him.

Kate and Bree often carpooled to work, and although it was Bree’s turn to drive today, Donovan insisted on taking Kate home. When Donovan drove Kate to her place to pick up some stuff so she could stay over another night at his home, she realized just how happy he made her. They hadn’t put a label on it—yet. But this feeling and his efforts in letting her know he was thinking about her must count for something, right?