They kissed fiercely, arms and legs intermingled, until someone behind them cleared his throat. “Umm, Maureen wants to leave. Are you coming? I mean, coming with Maureen... not coming right here....”

Wow, talk about a cold bucket of water to bring you back from your daydream. Kayla slid from Duncan and stood before him.

“Fuck off, Brennan,” Duncan growled. “We’ll be right in.”

Brennan mumbled something unintelligible, and then the back door closed again.

Duncan took a deep breath. “I want to get to know you. Fuck, now more than ever. Can we do that? Say you want this with me.”

Kayla felt his breath on her lips as they still stood close. Her first instinct was to withdraw and act indifferent, act as if she was in control and couldn’t be this easily affected, but she couldn’t do it. She had to see where this would go.

Even if he wasn’t exactly boyfriend material with his flirtatious nature, even if it was for one time only, she needed to see how much more he’d make her feel. Because he was starting to make her feel good again. She was feeling something other than fear, self-doubt, and sorrow. She felt alive, and damn, it was so good to be alive.

“Okay.” She was hoping she wasn’t about to make a big mistake, but when she saw the smile on his face, she knew it would be okay. In a weird way, she trusted him, even though they’d only met last month.

“Good. We’re going inside, and tomorrow I’m taking you out for lunch, okay? I don’t want to wait to pick you up at seven.” She’d completely forgotten their previously agreed date for tomorrow evening. He said it as if he was asking her, but he was more stating facts, and she couldn’t care less. She nodded, and when he led her through the back door, her cheeks warmed from embarrassment when Brennan looked at them from behind the bar.

“Ignore him, wildflower,” he whispered in her ear, and with his hand on the small of her back, he led her over to Pops’s table.

“Ah, there you are. Dear, do you mind if we leave early? I’m afraid I’m being a party pooper, but it’s my party, and I can go if I want to.” She giggled at her own words. Maureen always had a thing for throwing lyrics from her favorite songs into her conversations, no matter if she needed to change the text a little.

“Of course, Maureen. I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. I’ll grab our coats, and then we’ll be on our way.” Kayla wanted to turn around so she could walk toward their coats, but Caitlin halted her.

“I’ve got them already.” Caitlin winked, and Kayla felt her cheeks flaming up even more as she guessed that Caitlin figured what they’d been doing outside.

“I’m glad ye kids had a little talk, fine thing. Don’t ye let my boyo’s head get too big now, ye hear? He can be a bleedin’ muppet sometimes, but his heart is big and in the right place.” Pops squeezed her hand once, and then he picked up his whiskey and took a sip.

“It means that I can be a fool sometimes,” Duncan offered when he noticed Kayla looking questionably at him. She simply nodded; she had no response to his confession that he could act like a fool. Duncan thought she couldn’t understand Pops’s words, but she was from Irish origin, and Pops reminded her of her own grandfather who died when she was a little girl. Meeting Pops resembled the familiarity of visiting with family.

No, she understood Pops’s words, but she wondered in what way Duncan would be a fool. Was it because he was a player and a cheat who acted foolish and forgot he was with someone? Ugh, she had yet to go on a first date with him. She had to remind herself to take it back a notch. She had just jumped his bones, literally. She never, ever was the one to make such a move, so it was kind of unsettling for her, and she didn’t know how to go on from here.

When she turned around, she bumped straight into Duncan’s hard chest. “I’ll walk you girls out, okay?” He took her by the hand, and she considered the feel of his large hand engulfing hers. It felt safe, as if he was taking care of her, and he was gentle, even. She was impressed that this big bad fighter who had a natural aura of dominance turned out to be so sweet and looked out for her.

When they reached the El Camino, he opened the door for Maureen and gave her a little peck on the cheek. “Drive safe, Maureen.”

She patted his cheek with her hand, which was again stuck in pink leather. “Yes, dear. Precious cargo, I know.” Maureen stepped into the car, and after Duncan closed her door, he went around the front of the car and opened the door for Kayla. She tried to get in, but he stopped her.

“I’m not letting you go that easy,” he said with a smirk, and then he kissed her softly on the lips. He ended their kiss with a little nip of her bottom lip, and when he let go, he patted her bottom. “Go, wildflower. See you tomorrow.”

“See ya, Duncan.” Caitlin grinned as she closed the door to the back seat. Duncan tapped the top of the car in response, and Maureen took that as a sign to start the engine.

The ride home was quiet, and Kayla appreciated the way Maureen and Caitlin seemed to know, yet again, what she needed in that moment. They could be asking questions, telling stories of Duncan, but no, Maureen was occupied with driving, and when she’d looked over to Kayla, she only winked once with a big smile on her lips.

“Thank you so much for inviting me today, Maureen. I had a wonderful time.” Kayla hugged Maureen in front of her door, and she was about to step away from her when Maureen pulled her even closer.

“I’m so glad to hear you had a good time. You’re a sweet girl, and I’m certain happy times are coming. Good night, girls.” She let go of Kayla, hugged Caitlin, and entered her apartment, winking at Kayla as she closed the door.

“Don’t say it.” Kayla held up her hand the moment she saw Caitlin’s grin.

“I wasn’t going to say anything, but now you mention it....”

“Good night, Caitlin.”

“Aah, so no juicy details, then?”

“Maybe tomorrow after our lunch date, okay? I don’t know what even happened tonight, but tomorrow, when I’ve had the chance to put things in perspective, I’m going to share some juicy details over a glass of wine, all right?”

“Sounds like a plan, Kayla. See you tomorrow. Good night.”