Page 4 of Wrecked

“Talking about tits…. The first thing I’ll do when I get back is calling this new chick my dad hired. I bet she has some pretty cherry nipples to suck on,” Zane said and licked his lips.

Jack whistled low. “You mean that blonde I saw tagging along with your dad at that construction site?”

Zane nodded. “That’s the one. She’s been eyeing me for weeks now.”

Reed arched a brow. “When did you get so gun-shy?”

“She’s the sixth assistant my dad hired in the past ten months and he’s been busting my balls about not going anywhere near Tonia.”

Jack chuckled. “Your dad is just fed up picking up the pieces whenever his sons shit where they eat.”

Zane and his three brothers worked construction for their dad’s company. Zane once joked that the Miller boys worked hard, but that they fucked around even harder. It may not be the most poetic motto to live by, but Jack also swore by this lifestyle even before joining Zane’s family.

A horrific car crash instantly orphaned Jack at eighteen. If it hadn’t been for the Millers, he would surely have taken a wrong turn in life. Zane’s dad showed up at Jack’s crappy apartment one night and gave it to him straight. Pat Miller had enough of Jack fucking his life up by hanging out with lowlifes and partying all days of the week. Pat took Jack home with him that very night, even though he already had to take care of his four boys on his own.

Jack started working for Miller Construction and eventually got his act together. After working alongside Zane and his brothers for a few years, Jack even made his childhood dream come true in becoming a firefighter.

Rodrigo snickered. “Tonia? Is she the one with her boobs coming up to her ears?”

Reed rubbed his temples. “Stop talking about titties. I refuse to get hard on this shitty raft surrounded by five dudes.”

Jack took in his friends, shooting the shit like nothing happened. “I can’t believe after surviving a shipwreck and being adrift at sea for over a day, it still feels like we’re sitting at our table at O’Conner.”

Gabriel nodded. “That’s true friendship, man.”

Jack smiled. “Yeah. It is.”

“Let’s toast to our friendship,” Zane said as he unzipped the backpack stuck in between his legs.

Dominic’s square jaw ticked. “We’re not drinking anything. We rationed all the food and drinks. Who knows how long we’ll be stuck out here?”

Jack agreed. “We can’t drink anything else than what the watermakers produce or what we’ve already collected on rainwater.”

Zane pulled out the drinks anyway, but only Reed cheered while the rest groaned.

“I can’t believe out of everything to choose from while the boat was sinking; you grabbed a six-pack,” Jack grumbled.

Zane shrugged a shoulder while handing out the beers. “I also got some other stuff. Hey, at least I grabbed enough beer for everyone.”

Gabriel shook his head when Zane tried to hand him a beer. “No. Alcohol is a diuretic. It causes your body to remove fluids from your blood through your renal system. You can become dehydrated quickly and in this heat, it would be stupid to drink that unless it’s the very last thing we have.”

Jack caught Reed and Zane sharing a look that said that even though Gabriel might be right, he also needed to take that stick out of his ass. Soon.

Reed didn’t give a shit about Gabriel’s warning and opened his beer can with a loud pop, followed by the well-known hissing sound.

“If I’m going to die out here, then I’m going down on my own terms. We filled six gallons of water with rainwater in the past twenty-four hours and we’ve got three working watermakers on board. I think we can afford to have this beer.”

Zane pointed up to the sky, and added, “There’s a damn flock of titty birds up in the air, reminding us that there’s land not far from here. Let’s make most of this memorable moment, guys. One beer. To our friendship.”

Rodrigo opened his beer and lifted his can in the air. “Since this is still a fuckin’ bachelor party…”

Gabriel held his twin’s eyes for a moment before he sighed and accepted a beer. “All right, since we wouldn’t be in this predicament if it weren’t for me, I would like to say a few words…”

Jack nudged his friend’s shoulder. “It’s not your fault, Gabe.”

Gabriel shot him a watery smile. “We did everything we could to brave that storm and I just wanted to say how fuckin’ proud I am at every single one of us.”

It had been years since he’d heard Gabriel swear. Ever since Gabriel started dating the daughter of one of the founding partners at his law firm, he’d become a watered-down version of himself. It was something the group had wanted to talk to him about before he would go through with marrying Mary next week.