Page 8 of Naughty Neighbor

“I realize this might come as a shock to you, but I don't go all the way on the first date.”

Ben pulled back, bracing himself with his arms.

He had great arms.

“One, who after the age of 15 says go all the way?” he asked. I pursed my lips. “And two, we didn't even have a date and we ended with my fingers deep inside your cunt.”

I could feel myself blushing.

It took a lot to make me blush, but it was possible.

I gently pushed him off me. He laid on his side, one hand propping up his head. I turned to mirror him. Our naked bodies aligned.

He peered at me, his face twisting as if to figure me out.

“I had fun tonight,” he said, reaching to tuck a stray hair behind my ear. I closed my eyes briefly, relishing in the simple touch knowing this rendezvous was coming to an end.

And I was glad he didn't push us going further despite my growing thoughts to the contrary.

“Me too. I can honestly say I didn't see this coming. And I certainly didn't foresee me coming tonight. At least not by someone other than myself,” I joked.

He fell onto his back and laughed. “Who the hell are you, neighbor Quinn?”

I dropped a finger to his chest, drawing tiny circles. “You have no idea.”

Ben rolled out of bed and began to get dressed, collecting his clothes that were scattered across the floor. “Do you think it's all clear now?”

I walked buck naked to my dresser and pulled out a silky nightgown. Despite starting the evening in my most comfortable nightwear, I was going to close it out with a bang. Leave Ben with something to think about as he laid in bed next door.

Ben couldn't stop staring. “Where was that little number earlier?” Like a moth to a flame, he walked towards me. His hands circled my waist, before heading south and cupping my ass.

“This old thing?” I laughed. He nuzzled my neck as he ground into me. “You're a tease.”

My shoulders bounced up and down. I gently sucked on his earlobe. “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

With a final squeeze, Ben backed away. “I'm leaving while I still can.” He turned and made his way through my apartment, me following close behind.

Hand on the doorknob he turned around. “Thanks for helping me out tonight with Bethany, I appreciate it.”

I bit my lip. “Happy to scare off the stage 5 clingers by playing your pretend girlfriend.” I saluted him as he opened the door, shaking his head as he left.

Rocking back on my heels, I waited until I could hear the opening and closing of his door before making my way back to my bed — this time to sleep.

But I couldn't. My head hit the pillow and… nothing. Usually, on nights where I wasn't subjected to a live sex show, I was able to fall right asleep. No problem whatsoever.

But Ben had done something to me. His leaving made me feel more alone than ever.

I always felt entirely comfortable here on my own. But as soon as he left, I regretted my stupid no sleeping together on the first date rule.

What a dumb rule that was. But I didn't change my mind and spent the rest of the quiet night alone.

Chapter 3

“Tell me everything,” Kate said before her ass even hit the chair across from me. We were at our usual haunt getting our caffeine fix and I guess she could tell by my face alone that something had happened. “You are practically glowing. You don't normally glow.”

I scoffed. “Excuse me? Rude.” I leaned back glaring at my supposed BFF. Maybe that'd be changing soon.

She waved me off. “No offense.”