“I will.”

A thousand thoughts fill my head as I walk into the shop.

She called off the wedding.

And not because I asked her to.

Robert’s a douche and sabotaged himself. I couldn’t be happier about it either.

Even if Gemma’s single right now, it doesn’t mean things will be any easier between us. It’s still really complicated. Though I can’t stop thinking about the way her body responded when I touched her. It brought back memories of the summer we spent together, memories that saved me during my darkest days. That same spark between us is sizzling just as hot as before, but we’re different people now. No matter what, Gemma needs time to heal her broken heart, and I just hope she’ll let me help.

As much as I want to swoop her into my arms and claim her as mine, I won’t rush anything. I tried staying away, but I’m not wasting this second chance to be with her. When she’s ready, I’ll be here waiting.

“Mornin’,” Jerry says, handing me a sheet of paper. “Glad you’re back.”

“Me, too.” I study the list of everything that needs to be done today. “I’ll get right to work.”

“Thanks, son. Been hectic without ya here, and it’s only gettin’ busier.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll catch up.” I flash him a smirk, and he smiles. I wonder if Gemma told him about her and Robert.

As I go through my to-do orders, I think about what to make this evening. I never asked her what she thought of the chili I made at her place. Tonight, I’d like to surprise her with something special. Even though we won’t be alone and it won’t be a date, she deserves it after the past few days she’s had.

“Jerry.” I walk up to him before my lunch break. “What’s Gemma’s favorite dish?”

His lips pinch together as he studies me.

Quickly, I add, “She and my sister are having a girls’ night, and I offered to cook. So I was wondering if you could help a guy out.”

That makes him chuckle, and his shoulders relax. “Shrimp and grits.”

Grinning, I nod. “Thanks. I’ll see what I can do.”

“You can’t go wrong with biscuits and gravy, either,” he tells me.

“Is her favorite dessert still red velvet cake?”

“Sure is.”

Good to know.

“Thanks. Sounds like I’ll be putting my cooking skills to the test later,” I say with a laugh. It’s been a while since I’ve made seafood.

Jerry steps around me but not without a strong pat on the back. “Just remember she’s an engaged woman.”

I swallow hard and straighten my stance so he doesn’t notice the tension in my shoulders. “I’m well aware.”

Without another word, he walks away.

He definitely doesn’t know about their current situation, and I won’t be the one to disappoint the man. According to Everleigh, Jerry’s tremendously supportive of Gemma marrying Robert. When he learns it ended, he’ll probably want to point fingers atsomeone.

I head to the break room and pull out my phone to text my sister.

Tyler: Gemma told me she and Robert broke up. She didn’t give me all the details. We’re gonna talk at your place tonight. That okay?

I set my cell on the table and grab the leftovers I brought. Everleigh made some sort of mystery meat the other day, and I didn’t want it to go to waste. I take a sniff and decide to give it a shot.

Moments later, she responds.