Serena and I grab something to eat while we wait to board. As I stare out at the crowds of people, I replay what happened in that conference room. Then my thoughts quickly move to Gemma. She has no idea what she does to me and may never understand how deeply I care. I never mentioned I’d be missing work today and haven’t spoken to her since Friday night, so there’s no telling what she thinks about me being gone. I push the thoughts away before Serena notices my silence and asks what’s on my mind.

“Liam’s gonna be so damn surprised when he opens the door and sees you standing there. I’m excited to witness the shock on his face.”

“Can’t wait, honestly. Maddie FaceTimed me after he was born, but it’s not the same as seeing him in real life.”

“You’re right. I spoke with them yesterday, and they’re both worried sick about you, so it’ll be a fun little reunion. Plus, I don’t think I would’ve been able to sleep tonight after hearing those in-depth stories about Victoria and knowing you were in the same city as her.” Genuine concern is displayed on her face.

“I didn’t care to stay, anyway. The city harbors too many awful memories for me to ever enjoy it these days. I’m relieved to leave early.”And never return if I can help it.

Our plane arrives, and once we find our seats, it doesn’t take long before we’re in the air. For the entire two-hour flight, I stare out the window, and my mind wanders back to Gemma and everything that’s happened since I returned to Lawton Ridge.

I wish I could pull her into my arms and kiss the hell out of her to show her what she’s missing. When Robert treats her like an afterthought, I want to tell her I’dalwaysput her first. I might not be rich with a mansion or a successful business, but I’d give her the damn world. Too bad she’s engaged and too blind to see how wrong Robert is for her.

Once we land, Serena and I take a shuttle to her car. Within thirty minutes, she’s pulling into Liam and Maddie’s driveway. Excitement rushes through me as I think about seeing my best friends again.

Before I get out, I turn to Serena, who’s smiling wide. “Thanks for everything. You’ve been such an enormous help. I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to repay you.”

“Liam and Mason helped me through some rough shit over the years. The least I could do is give back to a close friend of theirs. I still regret not being able to fight a corrupt system that landed you in prison in the first place.”

“You did everything you could. Short of a few million dollars exchanged under the table, nothing would’ve been able to get me out of serving those years. I don’t regret what I did that got me in there, but I still appreciate how hard you tried to save me.”

“Thank you, Tyler. Means a lot.” She sucks in a deep breath. “I hope justice is actually served to that bitch. She deserves to rot in hell for the things she’s done.”

I grunt. “Agreed.”

“Now, get out before you make me emotional,” she demands playfully. “I can only take so many compliments in one day. Also, knock lightly. Unless you’d like to feel Maddie’s wrath, don’t you dare wake a sleeping baby.”

“Duly noted.” I grin, then grab my bag.

Before I get out, Serena tells me she’ll call if she hears anything about the case. I thank her once more, then walk toward the house. Taking her advice, I tap lightly on the hard wood. Serena’s waiting in the car. I look at her with a shrug. She waves me forward, so I try again, slightly louder.

Seconds later, the door swings open, and Liam’s face transforms from shock to joy as he pulls me into a giant hug.

“Holy shit!” he says, and I laugh as he smacks my back.

Serena lowers the window, and shouts, “You’re welcome!” Liam grins at her with a wave, then Serena backs out of the driveway before she zooms down the street.

“Maddie’s gonna freak the hell out. I’m so happy to see you, man!” He hurries me inside. “She’s trying to catch up on sleep. Tyler’s taking a nap too, but when they wake up, prepare to be bombarded—by both of them,” Liam warns. After I gladly accept his offer for a beer, he rushes to the kitchen and quickly returns with two Bud Lights. I nearly drink it all in three big gulps.

We go into the living room, and as soon as we sit, Maddie walks in with disheveled hair, looking exhausted. Her mouth falls open, and she slaps her cheek. Chuckling, I stand. “I’m really here.”

“Tyler! Oh my God! What are you doing here?” she whisper-shouts, closing the gap between us. I pull her into a hug, and she tightens her grip around me.

Almost immediately, she starts crying. “Gah!” She drops her arms before wiping her cheeks. “My hormones are still out of whack.” She goes over to Liam and smacks his arm. “You should’ve woken me up!”

“I’ve been here for five minutes, Mads. You didn’t miss much.”

“Jesus,” Liam mutters, rubbing his bicep.

Maddie gives him her infamous eye roll. “Quit being a baby. I barely touched you.”

“Good to see nothing’s changed between you two.” I chuckle.

“Don’t worry. I’ll get even in six weeks when the doctor releases her.”

“Releases her from what?” I ask.

“Liam, shut up!” Maddie scolds.