Everleigh: Any plans tonight?

Gemma: No. I’ve already drunk a bottle of wine.

Everleigh: Girl. It’s only 4 p.m. What’s going on?

I want to spill all my secrets. I want to tell her so fucking bad because she’s my best friend, but I don’t even know how to start the conversation. She’s already doubted Robert so much that this would only add fuel to the fire. Not to mention, I cheated with her brother.

Gemma: I’m just…I dunno. Questioning everything again.

Everleigh doesn’t reply for a little while, but she’s also in the process of closing the boutique.

Everleigh: Want to hang out and talk about it?

Gemma: I’d rather drink myself stupid and go to bed.

Everleigh: Adulting at its finest.

I want to ask her if she knows if Tyler’s dating someone or that there was a woman at her house, but I don’t want to start anything.

Gemma: I’m a hot mess.

Everleigh: What did Robert do now?

Honestly, I haven’t talked or texted him all day. It’s proof that he’d rather do other things than be with me. I didn’t sleep over last night like usual since he had a late business meeting, and I didn’t want to be at his house alone. Normally, it wouldn’t bother me that there’s been no communication, but it’s like the filthy curtain covering our relationship has been removed, and I’m noticing all the things I don’t like.

Gemma: Nothing. He hasn’t done anything.

The alcohol is swimming, and I type out another message.

Gemma: It’s Tyler. I thought I’d be okay being around him, but I was wrong.

Everleigh: Do you want me to talk to him?

Gemma: No! Absolutely not. Please don’t. I don’t need things to be any more awkward between us. It’s just…I don’t know. I’m dumb.

Everleigh sends me an eye-roll emoji.

Everleigh: Dumb? Or you realized there’s still something between you and my brother?

I suck in a deep breath and frown.

Gemma: There can’t be, though.

Everleigh: You’re right. Robert already hates him. And he kinda has that serial killer vibe, so it’s probably best you keep them away from each other.

Gemma: Gee, thanks. Now I’m marrying a future murderer. Great!

I lock my phone and stare at the TV. After ten minutes, it dings twice. I have a text from Everleigh and one from Robert. When I see his name, I expect to feel some sort of excitement, but all that remains is a suffocating feeling of dread.

It’s not supposed to be like this.

I think back to Dad telling me how in love he was with my mom and how they never wasted a single moment together. Then I think about Robert, and how he puts me on a pedestal but only when it’s convenient for him. Perhaps some women would be into that, but it makes me feel like a prize he’s won and wants to show me off like a trophy.

I check Everleigh’s message first.

Everleigh: I’ll keep my mouth shut and won’t talk to Tyler, but if you want me to say something to him, I will. Although I’ll always be Team Gyler getting married and having all the babies, I’ve always got your back.

She sends a winky emoji, and I laugh at the ridiculous couple nickname.