“And what do you think? Will moving in with him change that? Or will he still be too exhausted to spend alone time like he claims? Do you see things getting better once you’re married, or will you feel stuck?”

I empty my glass, wishing the alcohol would hit my system faster. “I really don’t know.”

“Listen, I just want you to be happy. You’re my best friend, Gemma. I don’t doubt that you love him, but I don’t know if you’rein lovewith him or just the idea of it. Maybe you need a vacation because all the stress of the wedding is catching up to you. It happens!” Everleigh grabs the bottle and pours more into my glass.

But does it?Is this stress, or is there an underlying issue?

“I wouldn’t say no to a vacation,” I say, grinning. “Mimosas by the beach, suntanning, and the ocean breeze. Hell, let’s plan a girls’ trip. No boys allowed.”Especially no ex-lovers.

“Sign me up for that!” Everleigh gives me a high five. “Well, my best guess is that you’re just having wedding day nerves. What do you think?”

I shrug with a frown. “How can it be nerves when it’s so far away?” I don’t even have much to do since Robert hired a wedding planner.

“It’s still a huge fucking change. And it’s a forever contract. Hell, I’m nervous just thinking about it, and I’m the most eligible bachelorette in Lawton Ridge. I’ll probably be single with four dogs by the time I’m forty.”

Her exaggeration makes me snort. “No, there’s Old Lady Annette and her thirteen cats. Speaking of, where’s Sassy?”

Everleigh is full-on laughing, the kind that makes her nose scrunch. “Annette was promiscuous back in the day, though. I heard stories of her breaking three different men’s hearts at once. Guess she realized she was too good for them. But if I ever get that many dogs, trust me when I say it’s a cry for help.” She gulps her wine. “Oh, Sassy’s sleeping on my bed. She was tired and put herself to bed.”

“Well, there’s no denying her name fits.” I chuckle, which feels good, considering the conversation we’re having.

“It sure does.” The room grows quiet except for the sound of Everleigh chewing popcorn.

“Robert met Tyler today,” I say. I don’t know what possesses me to even bring it up, but I need to get it off my chest.

Her eyebrow pops up, and she repositions herself with a smirk. “And?”

“And Robert asked if there had been anything between us in the past.”

“Oh, God.” She grins. “What’d you say?”

I bury my face in my hands and exhale, then look at her. “Well, I cut him off before he could fully ask, but I knew where he was going with it. So I didn’t technically lie, but I just didn’t tell him the truth.”

“Why not? Everyone has past relationships. He can’t get mad about that.”

“Because I think he’d be jealous and insecure about us working together. How fucking stupid is that, though? I mean, come on…” I turn my hand around, show her the ring, and she grins.

“That’s hilarious.”

I tilt my head at her. “No! It was awkward.”

“Well, maybe it’s time to come clean about your previous relationships. It’s not like he didn’t date a decade before you were even legal.”

I roll my eyes. “He’s notthatold.”

“At least men get better looking with age while women have to put on under eye cream and slather ourselves in lotion to look young. Hell, if Leonardo DiCaprio showed up at my door, I’d give him the time of his life, and nothing would be off-limits. I’d let him draw me like a French girl any day of the year.” She releases a dreamy sigh, and I laugh at herTitanicreference.

“Point taken.”

“At least tell me the sex is mind-blowing. Like if he’s the best you’ve ever had, I’ll forgive his old man traditional values.”

I think about it. Sadly, I barely remember the last time we had sex.

Her mouth falls open when I take too long to respond.

“If it was monumental, you would’ve immediately answered with a fat, cheesy grin.” She frowns. “It’s mediocre at best, isn’t it?”

Heat meets my cheeks, and I hate the pitiful look she gives me. “I seriously can’t get anything past you, can I?”