“Seriously?” I’d laugh if I didn’t have so many questions, but I also don’t bother asking. Based on the little information Everleigh told me, the feeling I had when he first walked into the shop was valid.

I’m already convinced she’s not as in love with him as she claims. She’s settling.

But the real question iswhy?



I understandhow important it is to Robert that I join him at his business dinner, but I hate that it’s not just the two of us. Though I smiled through our whole conversation, Tyler looked as if he could see straight through me. After working all day, the last thing I want to do is entertain strangers, but I go anyway.

When we walk in, I expect us to be meeting one or two people, but it’s an entire table filled with men in suits. This annoys me more than anything, but I keep the smile planted. Something I became really good at after my mom passed away. As long as I pretended I was happy, no one asked questions, not even Noah or my dad. While this is a different situation, it still oddly feels just as fake.

We have a nice lobster dinner and fluffy rolls with honey butter just as Robert promised. Several people ask how we met and about the wedding, and I feel like a giant spotlight is on me with every question. Considering I’m an introvert, this makes me anxious.

Once dinner is over, they shake hands over their done deals. We say our goodbyes, and I’m nearly gasping for air when I walk outside. Robert smiles proudly.

“Another done deal all because of you, baby,” he says with a pep in his step. I know this was a big one, an entire subdivision for development.

I shrug uncomfortably. “I can’t take the credit for it. That was all you.”

He pulls me close, and I smell the faint hint of his cologne.

“So, you gonna tell me about this Tyler guy?”

When his name leaves Robert’s mouth, my heart rate increases. There’s a hint of something else in his tone, almost as if he’s trying to appear casual but definitely isn’t. The threatening way he looked at Tyler earlier wasn’t lost on me, either.

We get in his truck, and he drives me back to the shop where my car is parked. “He’s Everleigh’s brother and just moved back to town.”

“Yeah? So you two know each other?” he asks, but I don’t want to discuss this.

“Yeah, he’s only four years older, plus it’s a small town.” I shrug, annoyed that he’s making me feel like I’m under his microscope.

“Ahh. That makes sense now. Did you two ever…?”

“Robert.” I stop the conversation before it even starts. Though I don’t want to be a liar about my past, the minute he finds out Tyler and I dated, he’ll lose his shit. It was a decade ago and shouldn’t matter, but Robert’s a little possessive when it comes to what’s his. There doesn’t need to be any more tension between us than there already is. “We’re not friends. My dad offered him a job because Tyler was just released from prison and needed something to get back on his feet. He’s on a trial run right now to see how it goes.”

Thankfully, he pulls up to my car and parks, and I desperately want to jump out of the SUV. I’m so damn annoyed, not necessarily by what he asked, buthowhe asked. I already know he thinks he’s better than Tyler because of his past, and I hate how judgmental Robert can be, so the less he knows about him, the better.

“Trust me, I was more than surprised when he walked into the shop and my dad hired him, but he’s a good worker, and it’s what my father needs.”

Robert turns to me. “I’m not trying to interrogate you, darling. I just want to be aware of who you’re spending your days with and make sure you’re safe. You’re the love of my life, and I’d never get over it if something happened to you.”

“I appreciate that, babe. But I’m working at the garage, not having a bachelorette party with strippers all day.”

He leans forward and gently kisses me, his lips tasting like wine. “I know that.”

“Maybe we can have a date night tomorrow? Just the two of us?” I suggest, hoping it’ll ease him about our relationship.

“Not sure. Tomorrow’s gonna be busy for me, but I’ll double-check my schedule and let you know as soon as I can.”

I give him a smile, though I’m nearly fuming inside. “Okay then.” Reaching for the door handle, I add, “Good night.”

“Love you,” he says before I step out.

“Love you too.”

He waits until I’m inside my car and it’s cranked before he pulls away.