Page 129 of Only Him (Only One 1)

Brushing my hand through my hair, I realize it has been a while. “You think I need one?”

He casually shrugs. “Your beard could use a trim, too.”

Well then. People in this town are sometimes too honest for their own good.

“Thanks for the tip.”

“No problem.” He smiles and gives me my total.

I put my bags in the car, then walk to the place he mentioned. Couldn’t hurt to get cleaned up I guess, though Gemma’s definitely gonna notice. I’m not sure if that’ll be a good thing or not yet.

“Hello,” an older man with a beer belly greets me.

“Hi, I’m Tyler. Do you have time for a haircut and a beard trim?” I ask, explaining the guy at the store recommended him. His mouth turns up, and he ushers me over to his chair.

“Let me take a look at you, son.”

We discuss what type of cut, and I give him free rein. Forty-five minutes later, the hair on my head and face is trimmed, and I feel like a new man.

“Wow. You did a good job.” I smirk.

“Thank you. Come back in four weeks.”

I chuckle at his demand. “Okay.”

After I’m finally home, I unpack the groceries and my clothes, then take a shower. Everleigh comes home and nearly squeals when she sees me.

“Holy shit. Where’re you headed?”

“You’re home earlier than usual,” I deflect.

“Cara’s closing tonight. And don’t change the subject. You have a date.”

“It’snota date,” I counter. “I put your lady things in the bathroom.”

“My lady things?” She giggles. “I can’t believe you bought them.”

I snap my eyes to her. “You told me to!”

“I added them as a joke, but it’s nice to know that when a woman’s in crisis, you’ll rise to the occasion.”

“You’re such a brat.”

“You love me.”

I shake my head and make a mental note to get her back later.

“Now, tell me where you’re going.”

“Gemma’s,” I mutter as I grab all the ingredients and place them in a bag.

“Oh em gee!” she squeals.

I look at her and glare. “Stop that.”

“I knew it. You two are destined together.”

“I don’t believe in destiny.”