Page 116 of Only Him (Only One 1)

“You know, I think I will go,” Tyler agrees, and I want to scream out in victory.

“Fantastic,” Robert mutters, showing his pearly whites. “So, are you ready, darling?”

I love how my dad proudly watches this unfold, having no idea how much of a cluster fuck the reality is.

“I still have some things to finish up first. Tyler and I will meet you at the restaurant, if that’s okay, sweetheart? What time should we be there?”

“That’s fine. Six. Sharp,” he says between gritted teeth, and it’s obvious he’s furious about Tyler tagging along. Watching Robert squirm is the highlight of my whole day.

“Perfect,” I sing-song. “We’ll be there.”

Dad’s so damn happy that he looks like he’s ready to explode.

“Welp, you kids have fun. I’m gonna head home,” Dad says, then leaves through the back door.

Robert glares at me. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

I take a step forward, more confident than before because Tyler’s beside me. “I’ll join you onmyterms, so if you want me to go, you’ll agree to it. And afterward, I’m giving you this damn ring back because we. Are.Over.”

He narrows his eyes as his entire body tenses. He’s losing control, and if Tyler wasn’t here, there’s no telling what he’d do to me.

“Fine. Have it your way, but this isn’t over, Gemma. Far from it,” he warns, then glances over at Tyler. “Make sure to clean up. I usually like to take the trash out, not bring it inside with me. Don’t be late,sweetheart.” The term of endearment comes out venomous. Robert turns on his heels and walks out, allowing the door to slam behind him.

“What the fuck?” Tyler groans as soon as Robert is out of sight. I feel as if I’m having a panic attack and brace myself on the counter, trying to breathe and gain control as the world collapses around me.

Tyler rushes over, his hand bracing my elbow. “Gemma, are you okay?”

I nod. “Too much adrenaline rushing through me at once.”

“You’re absolutely sure this is what we should do?” he asks me as I straighten my stance, then turn off all the lights. “We don’t have to go anywhere.”

“I wanna get this over with so I can give him this ring back and be done with it all. At least now, Dad won’t think the worst of you. Silver lining, I guess. Plus, now I won’t have to be alone with him and his client. Robert won’t be a dick in front of her or you. But right after dinner, I’m handing it over. It’s a final fuck you, leave me alone gesture,” I explain.

He sucks in a deep breath as we walk to my car. “I’m letting you make the decisions here, but if you want me to punch his face in, just say the word.” He cracks his knuckles, making me laugh.

“Thank you. It means a lot,” I say honestly as we get inside and drive to Everleigh’s.

Tyler showers and changes clothes but not because Robert demanded it. It’s his daily routine since he’s covered in grease and sweat. Tyler is always handsome, even filthy from work, but he also dresses up really nice. He’s wearing sleek black slacks and a dark blue button-up.

As we head across town to Fancies, I notice how tight Tyler’s jaw clenches and know he’s not happy about this situation. I’m not either, and I’m half-tempted to turn around, but I know that’d only stir shit up more. Also, I have a point to prove. I’m not afraid of Robert as long as Tyler is with me. Robert will get his perfect business dinner with the rich client, and I’ll return his ring. Then it’ll all finally be over.

“We should all be thankful Jerry walked in when he did. Otherwise, Robert would’ve been eating my fist,” Tyler finally says.

“You can’t. He wants you to hit him so he can make you out as the bad guy, and considering your past, Robert wouldn't have to try very hard. I don’t want you to get into any trouble because of me. He’s just not worth it. Trust me,” I say.

“Maybe not but breaking his big ass nose would give me so much satisfaction.” He turns and flashes me a smirk.

I roll my eyes, grinning. “You say that now.”

We pull into the parking lot of the restaurant, and I turn off the engine. Sucking in a deep breath, I lean back on the headrest and close my eyes. Being at this restaurant brings back bad memories.

“You’re sure about this?” he asks again.

“It could be a huge mistake, but I’m glad I won’t have to pretend everything is fine because he wants me to. You have no idea how much it means to me that you came with,” I admit, already feeling overwhelmed. I just want to get this over with and make it known toeveryonethat the relationship is over.

He takes my hand in his, brings my knuckles to his lips, and presses a soft kiss on them. “I promise I’ll do whatever I can to help and to make sure you’re safe. Even if it means going to a bougie ass restaurant and wishing I were somewhere else. But I’ll go anywhere with you, Gemma.”

His words have my heart melting. “It seems upscale, but the food actually sucks, especially compared to yours.” I smirk, then check the time. “I guess we should put our game faces on and go inside.”