“There’s not enough evidence to hold her. The FBI has a mile-long file of shit related to the O’Learys, but Victoria, specifically, uses other people to do her dirty work. I explained she shot Amara and was told without proof, it’s my word against hers. The gun is long gone by now, and the bullets are not traceable. The guy who kicked my ass has a solid alibi of where he was that night. But I didn’t give up. I brought the investigator a mountain of evidence from other crimes she’d committed or arranged, and their tune changed. They’re finally ready to prosecute her with corruption and money laundering. While it’s not the first-degree murder charge she deserves, it’s better than nothing. If they try to indict her for something without evidence, her lawyers will cry circumstantial evidence and the opportunity will disappear.”

“So how will my statement help?”

“Getting as many character witnesses to tell the truth about what they saw or heard her do will help prove repeat behavior. There’s already ten on board, but I need more. You got involved for the sake of your friend and have a firsthand account of all the shady shit she did in that short amount of time. It’s better than nothing. I need you.”

I want to help him, I really do, but this whole thing could cause a shitstorm of problems I don’t want or need. Moving to Alabama was meant to help me get a fresh start away from Vegas and all the terrible things that happened five years ago. Going back would allow all of it back into my life.

“How long do I have to decide?”

“As soon as possible. If you agree to do it, the prosecutor will put you on the witness list, and they’ll schedule your deposition. The defense will cross-examine you as well.”

“Yeah, that’s the part I’m worried about. They’re fucking assholes when it comes to that shit.”

“Trust me, I get it, but I’m done hiding. Victoria needs to pay, even if I have to die trying.”

“Give me some time to think about it, okay? I’ll let you know as soon as I can.”

“Thanks, I really appreciate it, Tyler. I know we didn’t end on good terms, but I’d like to change that. Working for Victoria is the worst decision I ever made, and I wish I could take it all back.”

“I’ll call you soon.”

We hang up just as I arrive home. I’m immediately welcomed by Sassy, who barks at me relentlessly. Deciding I need to call Liam and give him an update, I grab the leash and take Sassy on a walk.

“Hey, man,” Liam answers in an upbeat tone. “How’s it going?”

“Eric left me another voicemail, and I called him back this time.”

“Really? Tell me everything.”

I repeat our conversation and voice my concerns.

“Wow. Just…wow.”

“We knew she was a fucking savage, but what she did to Eric was plain ruthless. She deserves more than just prison time,” I say.

“Honestly, I’d call Serena and get her suggestions. If you decide to do it, I’d have her go as your council, so the defense won’t ask questions that’ll get you in trouble instead.”

“That’s probably a good idea, but I haven’t talked to her in years. I feel bad calling her to ask for a favor.”

“Trust me, she won’t mind. I bet she’d love to hear from you. She actually asked about you before you got out.”

“Send me her number,” I tell him.

“Will do. I’ll text it right now.”

“Thanks, Liam. Appreciate it.”

“I got you. Let me know what she says, okay?”

“I’ll message you as soon as we’re done.”

We say goodbye, and then I call Serena. I’m nervous as hell as the phone rings.


“Hi, Serena. It’s Tyler Blackwood.”

There’s a beat of silence at first. “Tyler? Oh my God!”