Page 182 of Only Him (Only One 1)

Robert turns, and that’s when I see Jerry holding a long-barreled shotgun in his hand. He racks it, putting a shell into the chamber. All I can do is cross my arms over my chest and smirk. He’d be a dumb motherfucker to try to cross Jerry Reid.

“Get the fuck outta my house.” Jerry points the shotgun at Robert. “I’m a crack shot, so I wouldn’t press your luck, boy.”

Robert straightens his stance, then glares at Gemma. “This isn’t over,” he threatens, pointing a finger at her.

Gemma walks to the living room and grabs a stack of papers. When she returns, she slaps them down on the table. Robert snatches them up and flips through them. His eyes bug out of his head as he continues to read the bank statements that could destroy him and his business.

“If you don’t want that getting reported to the district attorney, the papers, and the local news, I’d suggest you drop it. Considering the amount of money laundering and fraudulent activity that’s in that stack, I believe it is over, Robert. Don’t make me ruin you because I will. Oh, and don’t worry, I have plenty of copies, so feel free to keep those as a reminder.” Gemma stands firm, showing no mercy toward the man who made her life miserable.

Robert snarls before walking out, slamming the door behind him. When we hear his car start and speed off, Jerry lets out a sigh. “Oh thank God, you didn’t marry that asshole.”

Jerry wraps Gemma in a big hug, then pulls me in too. The three of us laugh and break apart.

“Are you two really married and stayin’ that way?”

I look at Gemma, who’s beaming with happiness. Pulling her close, I interlock my fingers with hers, then look back at Jerry. “Yes, sir. She’s the love of my life.”

He places a firm hand on my shoulder and squeezes. “Good. You two deserve all the happiness in the world with each other.”

“Thank you, Daddy.” Gemma hugs her dad again, and I notice tears in her eyes when she pulls away. “I told you it would all work out, didn’t I?”

“You did,” he exclaims. “Never saw any ofthiscomin’, though.”

“You’re the first to know,” I explain. “Well, you and Robert.”

He chuckles. “I’m honored and thrilled to have you as my son-in-law, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna go any easier on you at the garage.”

“Wouldn’t expect anything less.”

Gemma squeezes my hand, and I meet her eyes.

“Thank you, Gem. I know you did this for me,” Jerry says sincerely, and I see the flicker of emotion in his eyes that’s starting to boil over.

“I did, Daddy. And it worked out for the best. Now, we all get our happily ever after.”

“Yes. And oh, you two go be together. You’ve been married for seventeen days and fooled the world. Go, go! I’ll clean up ’round here.” He shoos us away, and we don’t argue.

I’ve been waiting nearly three weeks for this night, and I don’t want to waste another second of not being alone with my wife.



I can’t wipethe smile off my face as Tyler and I leave my father’s house and go to the cottage. I’m so damn happy all my things were moved back, along with new locks and a security system so Robert can’t weasel his way in again. The look on his face when the realization set in that he’d been duped was priceless, and it’s something I’ll never forget.

Best. Moment. Ever.

Tyler opens the door, then pulls me to him before I go inside.

“Wait.” He lifts me in his arms, and I tighten my hands around his neck. “It’s tradition for the husband to carry his new wife across the threshold.”

I laugh. “Then by all means, hubby.”

He dramatically steps through the doorway, and I press his lips to mine. “I can’t believe we’re really married.”

“I can’t either,” he whispers, setting me down. Cupping my face, he brings our mouths together. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” I rub my nose against his, and he grins as I continue. “Now, let’s consummate our marriage. Like,allover this place.”