Page 136 of Only Him (Only One 1)


“Hi, sis. You look good.”

“Thank you. Remember Tyler Blackwood?” I nod toward him.

“Of course. How’s it goin’, man?”

“Can’t complain. Hope you don’t mind me being here.”

“It’s fine. As long as you go back and tell everyone in town I’m ripped as fuck now.” Noah chuckles.

I shake my head, grinning. “And still cocky as ever,” I add.

“Yeah, well, that’ll probably never change.” Noah shrugs. “So fill me in on what’s happening. Anything new with Robert?”

We spoke the day after Robert’s and my huge blowout, and I told him I’d ended it.

“He hasn’t reached out to me since the dinner last Friday, and I’m hoping it stays that way.”

“You know I love you, Gem, but I’m happy you called it off.”

“Have you met him?” Tyler speaks up.

“Once, and that was enough to confirm I didn’t like him, but even so, Gemma was gonna do what she wanted anyway.”

“I asked him to come here with me, but he’d always say he was too busy with work,” I explain. Looking back, Robert always acted too good to be seen visiting a convict in prison. He judged and mocked people who had criminal records, my brother included.

“Fine by me. Less times I had to fake being nice.” Noah flashes a smirk.

“Just wait till you come home. Everyone’s polite to your face but talks shit behind your back,” Tyler warns. “Hope you got some thick skin.”

“Tyler…” I mutter and give him a look. The last thing I want is to scare Noah about going home.

“Gem, it’s fine. You don’t need to sugarcoat anything for me. Without a doubt, it’s gonna be rough, but since Tyler is there, I won’t be so alone.” Noah shrugs, and it breaks my heart that he’ll have to deal with this when he’s out.

“I’m not trying to. I just wanna make sure you don’t change your mind and move to Alaska or something.”

“That’s way too damn cold for me.” Noah grunts. “Plus, I don’t have any money, remember? I’ll be a thirty-three-year-old man living the dream at home.”

“I’m thirty-four, and I’m staying with my baby sister,” Tyler mocks. “She said we can start a convicts club when you’re back.”

Noah laughs, and I love hearing that sound come from him because it doesn’t happen often.

“I’ve been working out at the gym, training a few people.”

“So what you’re saying is I have less than eighteen months to bulk up so I can kick your ass?”

“Yep, something else to look forward to,” Tyler says, and I’m glad he’s being so positive.

Glancing back and forth between the two of them, I beam because they’re getting along so well.

“So you’re dating my sister now?” Noah asks bluntly.

“Noah!” I whisper-hiss. “I just ended my engagement.”

“Exactly. You’re a free woman. He better hurry before another old guy swoops in and steals you away.”

Tyler tries to hold back his laughter, but fails, as I hang my head. “You’re both jerks.”