Page 124 of Only Him (Only One 1)

“Stop being dramatic. Don’t forget to give her treats when you get home,” she reminds him.

“Yeah, yeah. I know the drill.”

“Don’t fight it, son,” my dad says, patting Tyler’s shoulder. “Women bring home pets, and they become yours.”

“So I’m learning.” Tyler scoffs.

“Be thankful I never got a cat. Then again, it’s not too late,” Everleigh taunts.

“Please don’t. I need to save up more money before I can move out, so at least wait until then.”

Everleigh’s hands move to her hips, and she pouts. “Ha-ha. You’re staying with me forever.”

“I’m sure your future husband would approve of that, no problem.” Tyler rolls his eyes.

“Oh, he would. You’ll just be included in all the baggage I bring to the relationship. He already has to accept that my first loves are my job and Sassy. Next, is you—my brother who lives with me and cooks for me.”

“And there it is. The only reason you want me there.”

“I thought I was clear on that?” Everleigh teases.

As they bicker, Katie and Owen enter and make it a reunion. My dad greets them, then tells me he’ll meet me outside when I’m done.

“What’s going on?” Katie asks.

“Just siblings fighting like cats and dogs while literally arguing about cats and dogs.”

Katie bursts out laughing. “Damn, I missed all the fun.”

“Swear word!” Owen shouts, then opens his palm.

Katie groans as she digs into her purse. “He was a lot cuter before he could talk.”

Everleigh and I giggle as she hands Owen a dollar bill.

“My parents are watching him tonight. Wanna get Mexican food and drink margaritas?”

“I’d love to,” Tyler interrupts with a shit-eating smirk.

“Girls’ night, sorry,” Katie sing-songs sarcastically. “If you’re there, we won’t be able to talk about you.”

Blood rushes to my face, and my cheeks heat.

“And trust me, I hear there’s a lot to talk about,” Katie says pointedly.

I turn to Tyler, who’s shooting daggers at Everleigh, who must’ve shared what she knew. She’s so busted.

“What? Katie and I chatted this morning, and it kinda slipped out.” Everleigh gives me an apologetic look, then shrugs it off. It grows awkward, so she busies herself by reorganizing a rack of clothes. “Oh, Cara needs help at the register. Gotta go! But count me in for tonight! Bye!” She shoots me a wink.

I glare at her, knowing she’s full of shit because her new employee is handling it just fine.

“Alright, well I better go too. Don’t want all the fresh fruit to sell out.” Katie smirks, then glances back and forth between Tyler and me. She and Owen walk out, leaving us alone.

“Sorry, I told Everleigh.”

“It’s totally fine. They would’ve found out eventually. Guess I need to accept that it’s only a matter of time before everyone else does too.”

“I’d ask if you’re okay, but that feels like a dumb question.”