Take hold of her and demand answers.

Demand to knowwhy.

Whyhad she done it if she could stand there and look like there was a piece of her that was broken.

Anger and confusion had me in a stranglehold.

Old grief I’d buried deep that was clawing to the surface.

“Give it to me,” Jarek grated.

“No.” My voice cut through the dense air.

A roll of thunder.

The tolling of a challenge.

Aster froze. Her stare landed on me.

It was pain.

A plea.


It only made the sickness thrum harder.

I looked to Jarek.

“The girl.”

The stake came out without thought to repercussions.

Without rationale.

No sense.

Just revenge.

I wanted what never should have been his.

A gasp rocked from her, and she stumbled back farther.

Jarek’s eyes sharpened to blades, and there was no question he wanted to reach over the table and choke the life from me.

My fingers itched.

I hoped he tried.

I gave nothing. No smile. No sneer. Just the quiet hatred that emanated from within. The fact I intended to take everything from him.

I’d known one day I would. I just hadn’t anticipated the opportunity would present itself so soon.

He blinked then jutted his chin at the dealer for the exotic chip.

The one that signified he would hazard my proposition.

It wasn’t rare. A bid made for a beach home. A family heirloom. Something that couldn’t be replaced. Here, fortunes were won and lost.