He stepped forward, unease firing from him like bullets through the room. He roughed a hand through his black hair. “I’m not leaving with you guys tonight.”

Nathan stilled, a rush of hurt and disbelief radiating from his pores. “What?” he finally managed.

Logan felt like he had a ball of shredded glass in his throat. “I’m staying here, with Aster. I have an opportunity to do this right. Gain the respect of her father. I have to take it.”

“Logan…” He paused, gathering what to say. “Those people, they can’t be trusted. If you’re getting in any deeper than you already are, that has to tell you it’s a bad idea.”

His head shook as his spirit warred. “I’m not doing anything illegal. Picking up an important shipment and delivering it to Andres Costa. It’s a test of trust. That’s it.”

Nathan scoffed. “If you think whatever you plan to do isn’t illegal, then you really are a fool.”

Logan shuffled on his feet. “You know how much I love you and this family, Nathan. God…we’ve been through so much shit together. The three of you basically raised me, and you raised me with the knowledge that family is everything. That we stand by each other no matter what. And Aster has to be that now. I have to make her a priority. Do what’s best for her. Live right by her. Protect her and provide for her.”

“And how are you going to provide for her? By letting your hands get dirty with her daddy’s blood money?”

A frown curled Logan’s brow. “Like what I’ve been doing hasn’t already muddied my hands.”

“But you know it’s different, and if you stay here, if you get further involved, become apartof them, it’s gonna get ugly, man. You have to know that.”

Let’s just go.

Her words spun through his mind, his conscience at odds.

Run or stay.

But running didn’t feel right.

“She’s worth any sacrifice, and by doing it this way, I’m opening up a route to both our families. She and I will be free to see the people who mean most to us. I don’t want to spend the rest of our lives with the fear of being discovered. Hiding.”

It’s what they’d had to do since the day they’d met.

Pain lanced through Nathan’s features. “And I’m afraid you’re going to find more trouble than you bargained for.”


She was always worth the risk.

“I have to see this through. And once we have Aster’s father’s blessing, we’ll come to you guys. Raise our kid with Trent’s. I just need to make this right.”

Nathan moved across the room. Apprehension oozed from his being, and his dark eyes dimmed as he touched his chest. “I have a bad feeling, Logan. A fucking bad feeling about all of this. Trent and you and all this bullshit that has taken root in our lives.”

“Maybe this is the one thing that will set all of us free. But I have to take this chance. For her. I love her. Love her. And I can’t ask her to live her life in fear because of her love for me.”

Nathan wrapped his arms around Logan. Hugged him tight. Logan hugged him back just as fierce. “I get it. I get it. Just please be careful. I couldn’t stand it if something happened to you. To any of you.”

“I’ll be careful. I promise.”

“So fucking proud of you. I hope you know that, Logan. Probably don’t say it enough, but you’ve got it right, man. Your heart. Don’t ever fucking let anything taint it.”

* * *

Logan’s heart pounded a riot as they pulled into the dusky alley behind the warehouse. Rain poured from the sky in heavy sheets, the sky cast in severe streaks of light as the storm ravaged the city.

They were on the shadiest side of town, the streets lined with decrepit buildings that housed vile acts and sinister intentions.

Jarek cast him a malicious glance before he killed the engine and the lights went dim.

Nausea gathered in Logan’s stomach, this feeling that everything was off. Darkness reigned, only the barest streams of dingy light arching through the bleary expanse from a spotlight hung on the side of the building.