Logan barely processed the conversation that ensued. Nathan asking him if raising a kid was what he really wanted. If he would be happy.

“You make me happy. The three of you, that’s it. And…” Trent choked. “And this kid.”

This kid.

Logan understood it to his soul.

Trent cleared his throat. “Have a deal to see through tonight. Big one. I don’t show, our father will be coming to collect. Don’t want to raise any suspicion. Get ready. Pack only what you need. Meet here at four. We roll an hour before sunrise. That is if everyone is with me?”

Logan’s head spun as their destinations became clear.

Trent said to only pack what they needed, and the only thing that was going to be was Aster.


He wanted to shout it, claim her, but he figured it was going to be a whole lot easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission. Trent was already going to lose his shit when he found Aster with him.

But he also knew his brothers would stand beside him.

Just like they all did with Trent. They moved to him and set their hands on his shoulders. “We’re with you.”

Five minutes later, Trent and Jud’s bikes were roaring down the street.

Nathan looked at Logan, eyed him intently. “What are you going to do, man?”

Logan shrugged like it was clear. “I’m bringing her with us. She and our kid.”

Disbelief flushed Nathan’s expression then he almost smiled. “Shit. And here I thought you were supposed to be the smart one, and you got yourself into the same kind of mess as Trent?”

Emotion throbbed. “Nah, man, it’s not a mess. Not when it’s the best thing that ever happened to me.”



I fumbledaround in the dark for the phone that rang from my nightstand.

It was late, after one, Aster fast asleep where she’d been curled into my side with the ring I’d kept for years securely fashioned on her finger.

My chest tightened.

Overcome by the sight of her laying there in the swath of muted, milky light that covered the bedroom.


In the truest way.

The way she was always supposed to be.

The phone rang again.

Squinting, I sat up on the edge of the bed and picked it up.

Disquiet trembled my nerves, goading deep as I answered the call, my voice quieted when I answered, “Haille?”

“I’m sorry to bother you at such a late hour.”

“It’s fine.”