Blind love.

Because there were no guarantees.

There were only our oaths and our truths.

It didn’t matter what either of us had done in the past.

Not the scars or the betrayals or the grief.

It was only this.


So I fell into this man who I’d promised I’d never trust again.

A man who was supposed to be my enemy.

My lover.

My destination.

My North Star.

Pleasure blossomed in every cell.

It shivered and trembled and expanded.

It sizzled then blew.

Every molecule in my being ruptured.

There, beneath the savage loyalty that blazed in his eyes, I broke apart.

His name rasped from my lips. “Logan. Logan.”

A moan of my spirit. A shattering of my soul.

I fractured into a million unrecognizable pieces. Splintered apart.

And I floated somewhere in that paradise that only existed in his hands.

Wave after wave.

Flood after flood.



Logan edged back and took me by both knees as he climbed onto his.

He pounded into me, scoring himself deep.


