“That’s bullshit.”
“For a lady, you have a dirty mouth.”
“That’s a sexist and fucked up thing to say.” She looked over her shoulder and smirked, causing me to chuckle.
She stopped in a panic, looking around. “What was that?”
I looked around, my body tensing. “What? I don’t see anything.”
“Nooo… it… it sounded like you laughed.”
“Ha. Ha. Very funny.”
“There it is again, only that held the usual note of sarcasm.” She playfully punched me in the shoulder and continued walking.
“So seriously… what are we doing out here?”
She looked at me, biting her lip, and I felt something tingle inside of me.
“Seriously… we are looking for a purple mangor.”
“I really don’t think they exist.”
She sighed heavily, like she wanted to tell me something, but was scared. “I had a dream a few nights ago.”
I remembered and then a flash of seeing Enzo laying in her bed with her crossed my mind and I felt my fists clench.
“It was my dead mother.”
“Yea. She was standing in this room and she said I had to get back to the ca- to my home to help my father.”
I didn’t talk, because she looked like she had more to say.
“I think he’s in danger… from my stepmother. She is an evil and vile woman.”
“Aren’t they all?” I joked, but it didn’t seem to land.
She cast a glance at me that told me that wasn’t the case.
“So your mother came to you and told you to find a purple mangor? Do you think it could have been a metaphor?”
She shook her head.
“Did she tell you how to find this bird?”
She pulled her lips.
“She said to ask the wind.” She spun around in a circle. “Look. I know it sounds crazy and you probably think I’m crazy, too.”
She started crying, so I cautiously walked over to her and held my arms out. She surprisingly walked into them and wrapped her arms around me, pressing her face into my chest.
“It’s ok. I think you’re a little crazy, but I will help you.”
I felt a small chuckle, but she didn’t move and neither did I. She felt so small in my arms, so delicate, but I had a feeling that’s not who she was. From everything I have seen, she is small, but mighty- a fighter.