Page 21 of Snow Hunted

Jace looked up, reading between Enzo’s words, and said solemnly, “I have to tell Barrett what I see and let him decide.”

“Who put him in charge?” Enzo pouted.

“We all did.” He chuckled.

Enzo rolled his eyes.

“We have to go to the mines to work now, but we can talk about it tonight.” Jace said.

“The mines?” I asked.

“Yes. We work at the mines on the sixth mountain.”

“What do you mine for?”

“Ore and gold.”

I was impressed. I had never met a miner before, or anyone really except the huntsman and the few people around the castle. “Is that why you are all so strong?” I grabbed Enzo’s arms and squeezed.

He blushed. “Yes. We swing our pickaxes all day into the mountain. It makes for long days and sore bodies. But after today, we have the next two days off.” He stuck out his chest.

“Calix made you a plate for breakfast if you’re hungry.”


“Do you need help down?” Enzo offered.

I smiled. “I don’t think so. My feet feel fine.”

“Great.” Enzo said quietly.

I followed Jace and Enzo downstairs and saw the rest of the house sitting between the table and the living room. Everyone greeted me except for Gage, who was reading the paper on the couch.

“Good Morning.”

“How is our mystery guest doing?” Gideon asked.

His words weren’t rude, but there was an undertone in the way he said them that told me he didn’t fully believe my story.

“All healed up.”

“Hooray.” Gage mumbled. “Now we can get back to normal.”

“Good Morning Gage.” I said as cheerful as possible.

He pulled the paper down briefly to look at me, but said nothing.

“We will talk about it tonight. Barrett said she could stay today.” Enzo defended.

“She’s a person, Enzo, not your pet.”

“I know that, Gage. Read your paper. At least you’re more tolerable then, because you aren’t talking.”

Dresden walked in carrying something behind his back with a smile on his face and I realized I never saw him sneak away. “I made this for you this morning.” He handed me a chair and a bowl. The chair is less wobbly than the one you sat on last night and the bowl is more smoothed out on the inside.

“For me?”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Gage sighed, shifting the paper in his hand.