“Oh. Yes. Her. She’s dead. I had to use her body for something.”
The man crumbled to a pile of bones on the floor as sobs filled the air.
“You’re a monster.” He mumbled through gasps of air.
“Thank you. I’m glad someone can appreciate me.” I smiled, happy with myself, and continued the walk down the stone corridor. When I got to the end, I placed my hand on the wall, allowing the stones to separate, revealing the hidden chamber.
The air was just a touch warmer in here, more muggy than warm. I walked over to the body lying in the center of the room and picked up her delicate wrist and pulled the bracelet off and let it crash back down with a thud. “Oops.”
Her face didn’t react or move. I hadn’t expected it to.
She’d been like this for the last eighteen years.
Like a porcelain doll frozen in time.
That’s what she was. Frozen in time. Ever since Snow’s birth… she transferred her life force to Snow and fell into the coma. Most had thought she had died, but no… she was still hanging on by a thread- a miscalculation in my magic, no doubt, and a constant reminder of my failure.
“You know…” I rubbed my hand across her forehead. “Everyone thinks you're dead. You should be, but for some reason, you won’t die.” Not that I hadn’t tried, but every time I moved to harm her in some way, a sort of force field appeared around her, preventing me from causing her significant damage.
Was this what was helping Snow?
I shook my head. No. I was able to kill her! She was dead before those miners showed up and ruined everything. I know she was.
No. She didn’t have this force protecting her. She was vulnerable and I would take advantage of that.
“Your daughter, or should I say my daughter, is proving to be quite the troublemaker. But it’s ok. She won’t be alive much longer.” I said, holding the bracelet up in the light, examining it.
How thoughtful was I? Gifting a mother's jewelry to her beloved daughter. I made my way back through the now silent corridor and to my room, where I dipped the bracelet into the concoction, careful not to touch the goo. In bubbled slightly as the metal touched the greenish tinged liquid and when I pulled it up to let the excess drip off, the green faded to clear around the bracelet, leaving only a slight discoloration where my fingers were holding it.
Still holding the one little piece that didn’t touch the poison, I lowered it into a black velvet bag.
“Now what to do?” I smiled. “I know exactly what will make me feel better.”
I decided to go downstairs and enjoy my dinner before heading out tomorrow morning.
She won’t escape a third time!
Chapter twenty-nine
Calix - Home for the Wayward Souls
Iswungthepickaxeinto the side of the mountain as chips of rock flew off. How could Enzo sleep with Snow? We had a pact.
I swung again and felt a tap on my shoulder.
“Hey, can we talk?”
I swung one more time and then turned around. “Hey man, what’s up?” I tried to hide my irritation, but knew I failed and part of me didn’t care.
He pulled his face.
Good. I’m glad he felt guilty, or at the very least knew what he did wasn’t cool.
I raised my eyebrows, waiting for him to speak.