Page 72 of Snow Hunted

No, I guess she probably doesn’t.

I’m not telling you. I’m not going to relive that time because I’ve moved on. I found B-

Who? Who did you find?

It doesn’t matter.

It does to me.

The fuck it does. You didn’t give a shit about me back then and you sure as shit don’t care about me now.

You’re right. I care about Snow.

Do you even know the meaning of the word?

I know enough. Look. I will not hurt her. I need her alive. The longer she is alive, the weaker the Queen becomes and then as I find her children…

She would never forgive you.

Unlike you, brother, I can separate my feelings. You care for her, whether or not you want to admit it, and that makes you weak. You can’t do what needs to be done.

And you can?

I’m a hunter. I would kill Snow if I had to protect the others from the dark Queen. I don’t think you could. So help me. Help me find and kill the others like you were born to do. Help save Snow’s life.

I’ve already told you, I’m not going to help you.

We’ll see if your mind changes when the Queen comes after her. I just hope you don’t have her death on your conscious too.

With that, he turned and ran off into the woods.

I watched to see if he was coming back, but I could smell him getting further and further away.

A few seconds later, I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to find Snow standing there.

Her eyes looked soft and understanding.

Why didn’t she understand?

I am a beast.

I snarled at her, and she recoiled in fear.


Back away.

I’m dangerous.

I snarled again, slowly stalking towards her.

“Gage! Stop!”

I didn’t.

“You won’t hurt me.”

I reared up on my hind legs.