Page 46 of Snow Hunted

I looked away until I heard the splash in the water.

“You should totally come in. The water feels great!” She said, bobbing up and down.

“No thanks. I’m good here.”

She ducked under the water and popped up a few seconds later, before she rolled over to float on her back, as the water covered her skin like thin silk.

I watched her for an immeasurable amount of time as she simply enjoyed this moment and I couldn’t help but wonder if she was telling the truth. Had she really been locked up in a small room most of her life, hidden from everyone?

She ducked under the water again, swimming towards the waterfall. Where was she going?

She popped her head up for a second, then dipped back under. I waited for her to pop back up, but she didn’t. I stood on the edge of the bank looking for her in the water, but there was nothing, only the little ripples from the falling waterfall.

“Scarlet?” I called.


“Scarlet!” I yelled a little louder.


Shit! Did she drown? Did some animal get hold of her? She was stupid for going in there! Who knows what kind of creatures lived in that water.

I walked around the edge of the bank but didn’t see her.

“Scarlet!” I shouted.


I tore off my boots, pants and shirt and dove into the water, swimming to the last place I saw her. I took a deep breath and dipped under the water and saw her swimming towards me. Was she a fish?

She waved me towards her, so I swam over. She grabbed my hand and pulled me along.

We popped up a second later behind the falls.

“Change your mind?” She playfully splashed water on my face.

“I thought you died.”

“And you came after me? I think you like me.” She said, tapping the end of my nose.

“Unlikely.” I said, pushing her head under water.

I second later I felt her try to climb on my back and take me under, but her weight wasn’t a match for me.

“Nice try.” I leaned back, and we both crashed under the water.

She quickly swam out from under me and pushed me, even though she moved more than I did. I watched her swim up to get air as her perfect little ass was on display under the water.

When I came up for air, she was waiting to splash me in the face with water.

“Careful. You don’t want to start something you can’t finish.”

She splashed me again, laughing. I leapt forward and grabbed her, taking her under the water, our bodies pressed chest to chest. She was fighting me, trying to get loose, but I tightened my grip. Our faces were inches apart and then, as if something moved through the water, everything changed. She wasn’t laughing any longer. Instead, she was staring at me and I could feel something inside me change. She wrapped her legs around me and I could feel my dick pressed against her and I immediately went hard. Her eyes grew wide with excitement and curiosity.

This was not how today was supposed to go.

Chapter fourteen