Page 121 of Snow Hunted

Jace chimed in. “You’re new to magic. You can’t even cast a single spell and you think you’re going to learn enough to protect you against her, someone who can create some of the most difficult and darkest spells on a whim?” His tone a little condescending.

“I don’t know what else to do.” I defended.

He grabbed my hand. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to be rude… I’m just worried about you. If anything happened…”

I put my hand on his. “I don’t want anything to happen, but she is shifting into bodies.”

“I didn’t realize she was a Hsein.” Barrett entered the conversation.

“A what?”

“Hsein. Body jumper.” His face pulled.


“In order… in order for her to jump bodies… the person has to be… dead.”


“Yes. So she can’t stay in the bodies for too long because decay will start to set in.”

“Oh my… that is repulsive.”

Enzo shook with disgust in an overdramatic fashion.

“Wait.” I realized something. “She killed those people then, didn’t she? Oh Goddess. The little girl…” I grabbed my stomach and leaned over. “I think I’m going to be sick.”

Calix rubbed my back.

I sat back up. “We have to stop her. She is… she is pure evil.”

“Yes. No one is contesting that, but we have to figure out a way to do it so that we all don’t get killed in the process.”

“We?” I said. “I don’t want you all involved. I can’t have anything happen to you.”

“Well, you can’t stop me, princess.” Garrison said. “She’s been on my list for years and is responsible for killing my father and countless others. I’m going after with or without you and honestly, I think we stand a better chance if we’re together.”

I sighed, knowing I couldn’t stop him.

“I’m in.” Enzo and Calix said at the same time.

“Me too.” Jace said.

“I can sharpen some wooden stakes.” Dresden chimed in.

“She’s not a vampire.” Barrett said.

“We don’t know what she is.” Enzo retorted.

“True. Wooden stakes couldn’t hurt, I guess.”

“I will help with the plan. It’s what I do.” Gideon said.

“Well, there you have it, Snow.” Barrett said. “We’re all in.”

“Guys. If anything happened to you…”

“If anything happened to you.” Calix said. “You’ve grown on me.”