Snow laughed. “Not right now, but maybe soon.” She glared at me. “Maybe you girls could teach me something.” No doubt throwing my words back in my face.
Eloise laughed. “I like you.”
I rolled my eyes. Of course she would. Snow seems to have that way with people.
“Well.” I said, standing up. “We’re going to take off.” I slipped my arm around Eloise for added measure, causing her to look at me but not say anything.
“You two have fun!” Snow said without missing a beat.
“We will.” I winked at her over my shoulder.
When we were far enough away, Eloise grabbed my hand and removed it from her waist. “Next time you need me to make a girl jealous, I will pass.”
I looked at her and chuckled. “What are you talking about?”
“I’m a werewolf, Gage. Don’t lie to me. I was practically gagging on the pheromones she was releasing when she was around you.”
“I can’t help she’s in to me.”
She laughed. “Don’t bullshit me, Gage. I could smell yours too… you’ve got it bad for her, plus I’ve known you long enough to read you like an open book, like it or not. You were trying to make her jealous. I will say, though… she doesn’t seem like your type… she seems too good for you.”
“Ready to go for a run?”
“Thought you’d never ask.” She shimmied out of her clothes and tossed them on the ground before shifting into a wolf. She was light brown with pads of white on her feet.
I shifted without taking my clothes off and watched as the shredded pieces fell to the ground.
Eloise was one of the few people who knew about me. She was the closest thing I had to family, which is why we never slept together, although no one else knew that. Our sessions usually involved running and just being our natural, wild selves.
I looked at the moon and let out a howl.
Chapter twenty-seven
Snow - Wet Dreams
Thehowlsentashiver down my spine.
Was it Gage?
Was Eloise a werewolf too? Is that why she came over?
Jealousy ripped through me. She could give him something I never could- that rush of running wild together. I glanced over at Barrett and caught him studying me. I didn’t want him to see me pining for someone or something I could never have… again. I knew when it happened that it was likely a one-time thing which is why I savored every second of it. His feel. His touch. But along the way I had someone fooled myself into believing he could change his mind. That I could show him he wasn’t the monster he thought himself to be.
I huffed. Damn him!
I danced over to Enzo because I knew he would help me forget Gage. I hoped. “What did she mean about Cana?”
Enzo quickly glanced between the boys and then looked back at me, “Oh… uhh… nothing.” He laughed uncomfortably.
I stared at each of them and could see a bit of panic in their eyes. “Pretty sure that’s bullshit. What did she mean?”
Calix stepped forward and both the boys looked at him with stunned expressions. “We…”
I raised my eyebrows, waiting for an answer.
“We like to share.”