But now I'm sitting across from someone who understands. More than that, someone who comprehends what I'm talking about and sees past it.

"I'll think about the agility training," I promise. "And if I do go, then I'm holding you to your promise and you're coming with me."

Jeremy chuckles and drains the rest of his tea. "You have my word. And let me know if you want help with the economics stuff."

I let out a small groan. "I almost managed to forget about that."

"You can put it off for tonight?" he suggests. "Get yourself a pizza and watch a film or something like that? Just because you're here to learn doesn't mean you have to do it all the time."

"Spoken like a true second year," I tease.

"I owe it to you all to pass on my wisdom," he retorts. "Or else I wasted all that time for nothing."

I shake my head in bemusement, glad I've found someone who is so easy to spend time with. Though if I'm not careful, I'm going to find myself falling for him without realising it. I've seen enough movies to know how these things go.

Jeremy gets to his feet and picks up his mug. "Are you done with yours? I'll wash it at the same time."

I nod and hand it to him. Our fingers brush against one another as he takes it from me, causing butterflies to erupt into life in my stomach.

Perhaps it's too late to avoid potential feelings, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it and not a moment sooner.



The kitchen isthe loudest I've ever heard it, and far more full than it has any right to be. To say the flat is built for nine people, it shouldn't only take six to fill up the kitchen. "Who are we missing?" Essie asks, slurring her words more than she should be. It takes a lot to get a supernatural drunk, and she's well on her way to it.

I can't say I'm too far behind.

"Bernie said she was joining us after class," Michaela says.

"Oh yeah, it must suck to be a vampire," Essie responds. "They have to cram all of their lessons into a shorter space of time, and then if they want to hang out with anyone who isn't a vampire, they have to move straight on to that."

"Being able to heal easily and not ageing at the same rate sound good to me," Michaela mutters.

"Me too," I agree.

The other girls turn to look at me with surprise written all over their faces. "Don't you have good healing? You're a shifter."

"It's never felt that way when I've hurt myself," I admit.

"But Bernie only makes seven of us, who else is missing?" Essie says as she looks around the room and tries to work it out.

"Jeremy," I say, realising that the other shifter is missing. "He must be at practice still."

"And the guy from room eight?" Fiona suggests, surprising me. The mermaid seems to be the most reserved of all of us, though maybe it's just because it's early in the term and we're just starting to get to know one another.

A collective noise of assent goes around us.

"I don't think I've ever talked to him," Michaela admits. "Have you?"

I shake my head. "I think he's called Craig, though?"

"Maybe he's a ghost?" Essie suggests. "They're real."

"Only one way to find out," Michaela responds. "Hey, Dylan."

The reaper pulls his attention away from the game the boys are playing and slides down the bench. "You said my name?"