Bernie lets out an amused laugh. “It’ll be the first thing I tell her.”

I say goodbye and head back to Jeremy’s room, knocking once before pushing the door open and stepping inside.

He’s been busy while I showered, setting up a bunch of cushions on the bed so they can face the screen, and with a steaming cup of tea ready and waiting for me next to a couple of pizza boxes.

“I had help,” he admits.

“You didn’t let Mickie make the tea, did you?” I ask, eyeing it suspiciously.

He chuckles. “No, Essie did it.”

“Oh, good, it’s safe to drink, then.” A loud shout comes from the kitchen next door and I wince. “Is it always this loud?”

He nods. “Maybe we should have done this in your room.”

“Maybe, but it’ll be fine, they’ll be leaving soon.” I don’t wait for him to say anything and sit on the bed, shuffling backwards so I’m leaning against some of the cushions.

Jeremy’s smile makes my heart flutter. “What did you want to watch by the way?”

“Oh, I hadn’t thought about that,” I admit. “I kind of assumed we wouldn’t be doing much actual watching.”

He nods, seeming to understand. “Have you ever seenReap Me On A Sunday?”

“Is there anyone alive who hasn’t? It’s one of the most popular supernatural sitcoms ever.”

He clicks a couple of times and the familiar opening sequence starts to play. It’s a good choice. I’ve seen it enough times that it won’t matter if we dip in and out of the show.

“I refused to watch it for years,” Jeremy admits as he hands me one of the pizza boxes and gets onto the bed beside me.

“Why?” I flip open the lid, enjoying the comforting scent of hot gooey cheese and barbecue sauce.

“I thought I wouldn’t like it because it has a reaper lead.”

“And now you’re good friends with a reaper,” I point out.

“I never had anything against them,” he says quickly. “I just thought I wouldn’t be able to relate much to the main character. Please don’t tell Dylan that? I’ve never told anyone that before.”

“Your secret is safe with me,” I promise. I take a bite of pizza and let out a small satisfied hum. “This is good.”

“I’d say thanks, but you know I didn’t make it.”

“You still picked the right flavour.”

“And there’s cookie dough ice cream in the freezer too,” he promises.

“How are you still single?” My brain catches up with my mouth. “Oh. Right.”

Jeremy chuckles. “Well there’s this cute cheerleader who keeps telling me that she just wants to be friends, but I can’t stop thinking about kissing her.”

I join his laughter and set my pizza aside. “I heard the cute cheerleader told you she'd changed her mind.”

“Hmm, she did,” Jeremy agrees. Tentatively, he reaches out and puts his arm around me.

I shuffle closer on the bed so I’m leaning against him. Neither of us says anything as we sit comfortably and watch a bit of the show. Not that I’m really taking any of it in. Every part of me is hyper-focused on the way Jeremy’s hand is absent-mindedly stroking my arm, and how comfortable the whole situation feels. I can’t believe I convinced myself I didn’t want this.

“So, I have something to ask you,” Jeremy says after a bit.
