His hand settles on my lower back, pulling me closer, and then his lips are on mine.

My eyes flutter closed and my whole body relaxes as I give in to the kiss I’ve been thinking about almost constantly since the first time we did this. I’m not sure how I ever thought I could avoid being distracted by him.

We break apart but don’t move away from one another. My gaze fixates on his and I can see the torrent of emotions in his eyes.

“I’ve wanted to do that again since the first time,” he says, his voice hoarse and low.

“Me too,” I admit. “I’m sorry it took so long for me to come around.”

Jeremy lets out a low laugh. “I don’t think this counts as so long.”

I count back the weeks in my head and end up joining his amusement. “All right, maybe not that long. But thank you for giving me the space I needed to come to my own conclusions.”

“You’re welcome, but I don’t think I’ll be doing it again,” he jokes.

“I don’t plan on doing it again.”

“Do I have to start lying to you about how graceful you are when you’re a leopard now?” he teases.

“Oh no, I’m aware of what a disaster zone I am when I’m shifted. But I feel a bit more confident about it after the course you suggested.”

“I’m glad.”

“Can we do it again sometime?”

He nods. “There are probably some courses that we can look into if it’s something you really want to do.”

“I think I do. But partly because I had a lot of fun with you.”

He grins. “Then your wish is my command.”

“You’re a tiger not a genie.”

“I could be both.”

“You know that’s not how being turned works,” I counter.

He cocks his head to the side. “Are genies turned beings?”

I shrug. “I don’t actually know, but I’ve always assumed it was like vampires and mer where some genies are born that way, and others are turned by a curse. But I’ve never met one and you know how secretive they can be.”

“I do. But you know what isn’t secretive?”


“What you like on your pizzas. A meat feast with barbecue sauce, right?”

I’m not sure if he’s guessing, or if he just paid attention last time we had pizza. “You’ve got it.”

“All right, I’ll order and go pick it up. Anything else you want?”

“Cookie dough ice cream?”

“Zara really has been cracking the whip.”

I laugh lightly. “Mmhmm. Plus we lost out on first place and I kind of want to eat my feelings but in a way that makes you think I’m cute.”

“I already think you’re cute.”